•~ How you met ~•

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You were jogging down the highway, heading towards nowhere, you had no family left. Your little sister was bit in the beginning, so you had to shoot her. Your mother and father were killed by another group, which you barely made it out alive, but the past is the past.
You heard the sound of an car engine, you stopped and turned around, and saw a 2011 Hyundai Tucson. You figured who ever it was, wouldn't stop so you keep on jogging. You were getting tried, but that wasn't gong to stop you, soon the car drove by you. You noticed the brake lights brighten with the red glow, and soon after you heard a car door being shut. You stopped jogging, and pulled out your gun, which you held down low, a tall, slender man, with curly, dirty-blonde hair. He walked around to the back of the car and faced you, you stopped in your tracks, you held up your gun, which made him pull out his gun.
"What's your name?" He asked, you stood your ground, and stayed silent, " What's your name?" He asked again. You looked at him and finally spoke, " (y/f/n) , (y/f/n) (y/l/n), yours?" He nodded, and asked, " How many walkers have you killed?" , you looked at him funny, but answered, " to many to count? Why?" You were curious on why he was asking you these questions. He nodded his head again, and looked over to the right, ten back at you, and asked, " How many people have you killed?"
You stood for a moment, then answered, " uh, 5?" He looked at you and sternly asked, " Why?" You looked at him, and looked down, " because they had attacked me." When you finished you looked up, and he started to walk towards you. You stepped back, he held out his hand to you, you looked down, then back up at him, you slid your hand into his, and he shook your hand. " Rick, Rick Grimes."

You are searching for an abandoned grocery store, looking for anything really. You spotted an isle that had a few cans left, but the only thing that was holding you back from getting them cans were a small group of walkers. All you had were your compound bow, three arrows, and your hunting knife, so you counted out the walkers.
There was about 10 ahead, so you quickly thought out a plan, you quietly snuck halfway into the Isle. You took out three of the walkers with your arrows, then you grabbed your knife out of your pocket and came up behind a walker, and pierced the blade into the walkers skull. It fell limp onto the ground, you came up behind another one but tripped which put you into the middle of the small herd.
The walker fell on top of you and started to try to take a bite out of your skin, you had one arm holding up the one walker trying to grab your knife. The other walkers were getting closer, which freaked you out, which made you put harder. Then out of no where a arrow came buzzing through the air an into the walkers skull. You pushed the now dead walker, and grab your knife and started to kill off the other walkers, you saw two more arrows go through the air, before all the walkers were dead.
You looked around to try to find the source of the arrows, and saw man holding a crossbow, you picked up your stuff, the man asked,
"What's your name?"
You looked at him, and then spoke, " (Y/F/N), what's yours?" He nodded, " Daryl, do you have a group?", " No, I've been alone for awhile now." , "Well, you can come back with me to my group if you want." You thought a moment before answering, " Sure."

Author's Note:
Sorry this is so short but this is my first preference thing but I tried
hops you enjoyed it I will try
to update twice a week!

Also if you want a requested imagine fill out this forum and message it to me!!

Season or setting:
Type of story:( Fluff, death, etc.):

I will do some smut imagines, but those will be very rare, unless
you request that type of

What should I call you guys??

Comment feedback please!

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