Chapter Three

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Angelina's POV

I drove away trying to process what had just transpired. How had my walk on the beach gone from just being me and my thoughts, to losing my scarf and Harry Styles returning it? I couldn't yet fathom the fact that he was now in my phone contacts. I was so lost in thought that I almost missed the turn off to my apartment.

I walked in still in a daze, going straight past Clinton and Toby, acknowledging them with a mere wave as I headed straight to my room. "Surely he didn't give me his real number?" I mumbled. "Who gave you his number?" I heard from behind me suddenly giving me a fright.

"What the fuck!?" I exclaimed turning around into the very curious eyes of my roommates. "So...who gave you his number?" Clinton asked again, moving so close to me that I could smell Toby's mint flavored cigarettes on him. I stepped backwards trying to evade the nauseating smell. "No one," I muttered, putting my stuff down onto the bed and ridding myself of my painful shoes.

I plopped down with an exhausted sigh, rubbing my sore feet. My whole body suddenly bounced as Toby dropped down beside me. "Long day?" he asked, taking up a crisscross position next to me. I gave him a hum as a halfhearted response since my mind was still on a pair of emerald green eyes staring back at me.

"So, who gave you his number?" Clinton repeated not letting the subject drop, continuing to probe for an answer. "Oh for god's sake, no one!" I grunted just as my phone signaled an incoming text message.

Toby quickly grabbed it before I got to it. "Ah, it's just your mum, how boring," he pouted, throwing the phone onto the bed next to me. I read her message and sighed again.

"Was your meeting with Mr. Moneybags that bad?" Toby enquired.

I closed my eyes thinking back to the exhausting encounter and nodded my head. "His little princess (dripping sarcasm) wants One Direction or Justin Bieber to perform at her party."

Both Toby and Clinton started to laugh, nearly falling off the bed. "Let me guess, Daddy's princess gets anything she wants, even if it is the moon?" Clinton surmised.

I nodded, "and she wants Kendall, preferably, or Kim Kardashian to MC," I continued, groaning at the details as I recited the orders to them. They listened patiently to my venting session, with Toby bringing me a glass of white wine in respite.

I told them about ending up on the beach, but when I got to the part of meeting Harry I paused, not because I didn't want to share the encounter with my friends, but knowing Clinton he'd be blasting the information to every person he knew. The man had no filter and I didn't want to jeopardize anyone's privacy just because he couldn't keep his mouth shut.

Toby saw my hesitation and shrewdly goaded Clinton into going for Chinese take-out. Clinton was interested in the continuing story and balked at first, but after a little charm from his persuasive boyfriend he caved.

"Okay, spill it!" Toby demanded. "Spill what?" I asked feigning innocence, hoping to evade an onslaught of questions. "Oh no you don't, you can avoid Clinton since we both know he has no filter, but not me' he continued.

"Okay then ...I did meet someone tonight and he did give me his number" I smiled fondly at the memory running through my mind. Toby looked excitedly at me, but when I gave no further explanation he became impatient.

"For crying out loud woman, details please, what's his name, who is this guy that has you so wrapped?' he pushed impatiently, I giggled at his impetuosity, "Harry Styles," I confessed.

Toby stared at me seemingly in shock and then he burst into a fit of giggles. "Yeah right and I met Zayn at the grocery store," he responded sarcastically.

Toby was a diehard One Direction fan and his quick dismissal of my meeting Harry stung as it sunk in that he didn't believe me. He saw the hurt in my facial expression and quickly realized his mistake.

"YOU'RE NOT JOKING!?" he exclaimed! I shook my head and in typical Toby fashion he jumped up and down like a child on Christmas morning. "OH MY GOD!" he shouted, "you've met Harry fucking Styles!!!"

I laughed at him and soon he started peppering me with questions. I told him everything about our conversation censoring myself along the way in order to keep my inner fangirl at bay. Yes, I too was a One Direction fan and my friend's excitement at me meeting our favorite member of the band was quite infectious.

"So, when will you be seeing him again?" Toby enquired. I shrugged, "I honestly don't know. He is totally different than the media portrays him Toby; it was like talking to someone I've known my whole life."

"I'm just a normal girl from Cape Town, what could I possibly offer him?" Toby sighed heavily, "sometimes you frustrate me Angel." I looked at him confused by his words.

"What do you mean?" I asked. Toby rolled his eyes, pulled me up from the bed and stood me in front of the mirror, "what do you see?" I looked at myself and his silhouette in the mirror confused at what he was getting at.

"I'll tell you what I see," he continued before I could respond. "I see a beautiful, intelligent girl with enough guts to take the risk of coming to a foreign country to pursue her dreams. I also see a woman who is fiercely independent and too scared to let any man in because one asshole fucked up and now every other man has to pay for his mistake." I just closed my eyes suppressing the hurt and anger I still felt inside.

"He asked for my number," I whispered. "WHAT?" Toby shouted! "He asked for my number," I repeated louder, opening my eyes and looking straight at Toby. "HOLY SHIT!" he responded.

"Holy shit what?" we heard from behind us as Clinton entered through the front door, bags in-hand. We both responded at the same time with a resilient "NOTHING!" Looking at each other we burst into a fit of giggles still holding onto our little secret. Clinton feigned indifference as he sashayed into the kitchen with the food. Knowing him so well we both were certain he was chomping at the bit inside for whatever we were holding hostage. He would, however, never give us the satisfaction of begging for the information.

The rest of the evening was spent watching movies and catching up on their daily gossip. When we finally turned in for the night I went to sleep with a smile on my face, but no expectations.

I awoke the next morning to the sound of my alarm blaring out my favorite song, Little White Lies. It was Saturday and I had forgotten to disarm it. My sleep had been restless at best so I was up whether I wanted to be or not. I pushed myself out of bed getting ready to meet the day and whatever it held in store for me. I was just about to head out to grab breakfast at Mel's when my phone rang. It was only 7:00 a.m. so I had no clue who would be calling me so early on a weekend. I picked it up and flipped open the cover to see Harry Styles' name staring back at me. I was so dumbfounded I let it ring three times before finally answering it.

"Hello," I managed to get out.

"Hi Angelina its Harry from last night," he began. His voice seemed deeper and raspier than I had continuously replayed in my mind. I realized it must be his wake-up voice.

"Hi Harry from last night," I retorted, mentally kicking myself for being so glib.

"I was wondering if you didn't have any other plans if you'd like to meet me at Mel's Diner for breakfast?" I could hear his breathing, but otherwise silence, then it dawned on me he was waiting for an answer.

"Um sure, in fact I was just heading there myself," I said, realizing I was telling the truth and had actually been intending to go to the same place.

"I can make it in twenty minutes, if that's okay? I'll be driving a black Range Rover and I'll wait for you if I get there first," he concluded.

"That's fine, I'll see you then." I disconnected the call and just looked at my phone. Had that really just happened?

Toby was up, getting ready for his morning run as I strolled through the living room. "Where are you off to so early on a Saturday?" he posed. Not knowing if Clinton was awake I mimed Harry's name and pointed at my phone. Out loud I said, "just going to Mel's for breakfast, see you later." Clinton was walking out of their bedroom as I was exiting and Toby's mouth was still hanging open at my admission. Clinton looked from me to him and finally insisted on an explanation. I just smiled and closed the door behind me.

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