Birthday Blues

23 3 1

She kept checking her phone and email, wishing someone would make contact. It was her birthday and nobody called not even her mother. 'Some birthday' she thinks to herself sadly. 'I wish my mother would just call me and that her baby isn't a baby anymore'. She just turned 21 but nobodies around to celebrate. The worst part is that she had to work today, dealing with loud kids on her birthday. All she wanted to do was cry. As she walks to her apartment with her head low. She pulls out her keys and opens the door she clicks the light on and there is her family and closest friends standing there with big smiles on they're faces.
"SUPRISE🎉" They shout and for the first time today she smiled 😊

This was a sample writing of what I can do I'm working on a story called somebody I used to know I'm hand writing it now so your gonna wait a while and this little sample wasn't related to any anime or boondock story

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