Plucked Chrysanthemum

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I awoke to yelling. I headed downstairs, Douglass followed.

"You worthless— you disgust me!" Raymond spat.

"You're too ignorant realize I know best," David retorted.

"You're ruining us!"

"Listen to father," Damien demanded.

"Puppet!" Raymond yelled.

I intervened, "Let's settle down and—"

Raymond stormed out, Douglass chased after him.

One day I discovered a letter on the kitchen table, Raymond had left, he was never returning. I wept for nearly a month.

Soon Damien got married. I was sickened at the thought that another one of my children was leaving me. "If only there was a way I could keep them with me forever," I thought. They moved to America but never kept contact.


"Beautiful day," I said to David. He seemed uneasy, and Douglass was out. I sat down.

"I'm leaving."


"I'm going to start anew, tomorrow."



"Lies! Drink your tea, you're tired—"

David got up from his seat and left. "If only there was a way I could keep them with me forever."

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