Chapter 5: She finally did it

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Ok so i got bored and decided to post a chapter. Luv ya you losers

I got home, Alfred slugging behind. "Mattie~ Please let me copy your homework~" I unlocked the door, letting Alfred in first. "No...copy from someone else..." "but Maatttiieeee i was suppose to copy from you so everyone else could copy after..." "Welp" i shrugged my shoulders. "Ahh Welcome home my little angels~" Francis came in giving each of us a hug. "Alfred is trying to copy my homework again." I said glumly, Francis gasped. "Alfred! Stop trying to copy your brother! Just do the work!" Alfred sighed and flicked me off before trudging upstairs. I rolled my eyes and slowly walked upstairs to get to work.
"Heyy Mattie!!!"
Destiny texted me.
"You alright?..."
"Yea i'm fine..."
"Is it because of Matt?"
How does she always know...i decided not to respond to which she texts back.
"Ill take that as a yes, gurl Matt ain't like he's probably just doing it so he won't get bullied! He'll be finne~ Plus he somehow got my number from the bitches...and messaged me this..."
She sent a screenshot of the message.
"Hey is this Destiny?"
"Yea, who dis?"
"Its Matt, the girls gave me your number so i could 'flirt with you' so i could just break your heart or something...but i don't find that right..."
"Oh oh..."
Then she sent another picture of the continued conversation.
"Hey...Matthew looked pretty you know why?"
"Well...its probably because you are hanging out with bitches who tease him...for being gay of course..."
That badly...seeing that message and knowing it was true...but she continued with the photos.
"Well...they don't know I'm pretty gay myself..."
"Oh! Thats great!!!!!! Gahh hold on i need a moment cus gahhh i love gay people, it makes me soooo happy!"
I chuckled, i remember when Destiny started freaking out when i first came out to her.
"But seriously do you really want to be with those girls?..."
"Not really...they give me bad vibes...i might just...ignore them...idk...i got to parents are being dicks..."
"Haha, i know how you feel see ya later!"
The convo ended there...
I paused and thought what to say...
"Oh...thats uh..."
"I knew he was gay already but that other part..."
"Well ya...he did kiss me already"
"HE DID OMG!!!!!"
She stopped messaging me and i started bawling of laughter, then there was a knock at the door.
"Hold on Dest, someone is at the door..."
I walked downstairs and Francis was just opening the door. There stood Destiny, out of breath and sweating like crazy.
"eh...Destiny..." I snickered. "MATTIE YOU ARE GOING TO EXPLAIN-" she huffed. "YOURSELF" Francis stared. "Uh..." "Sorry mom...Destiny is here for homework thats all..." Destiny and I quickly ran up the stairs before Francis could even say anything back on my lame excuse. After i explained to her what happened she just looked at me. "Gahhh This Allen guy ;=; why does he have to ruin the moment!!" I blushed. "Nah...its alright...kind of happy anyway..." Destiny shook her head. "Come on you know you were upset that he left!" I sighed. That was true...i was upset...but i didn't want to admit i threw fire, "and you knew you liked it when Gil was in your breasts." Her face became bright red as i blocked myself, getting ready for impact. She just stared at me..."Dest..." She pointed to the window, making me turn around. There was a moving truck in the drive way, and i shrugged my shoulders. "Yea? So what...that house was always opened now it was sold..." Destiny shook her head. "Look at the window Stupid..." I turned my head to the window, which was oddly close to mine. My mouth dropped, as i saw the waving figure...
Destiny slowly began to hide behind my bed as i walked over to the window, opening it slowly.
"Hey there Nerd!"
"Shocked to see me?? I know! Can you get Alfred for me! I need to talk to him!"
I waved for Destiny to get him so she could at least not be there while he was there. Alfred was in my room quicker than i've ever seen him at anything. I moved out of his way before he tackled me.
"we just moved in you retard, lucky for me i got the window next to the loser!"
Gilbert chuckled and said.
"Sure ill be over in a sec"
Then he disappeared.
Alfred looked at Destiny with a grin on his face. "Hey! Why didn't you tell me that gorgeous was going to be here??" I growled as Destiny hid behind me. "Fuck off! She obviously doesn't like you!" "So what? She obviously likes Gil!" He walked out as he heard the front door open and close. "Well he's hear, might as well do something~" Alfred purred then walked off. Destiny looked at the floor, she looked upset. "Hey...are you alright?" I said trying to figure out if she needed something. "I can't do this anymore...i can't try and hide something thats already out..." She grabbed my arm and dragged me downstairs. Alfred was talking to Gil when we got there. Gil looked over at Destiny, "hey frau~ i see yo-" before Gilbert could even speak Destiny had already smacked her lips against his. She removed herself then said, "Bye" before waving goodbye and running out the house. "..." Gilbert just stood there frozen, face bright red. "Gil..." Alfred said then stared at me. I shrugged my shoulders, i didn't know what to do... "Earth to was just a kiss dude..." Alfred said shaking him. "S-she..." Gilbert was speechless. For some reason i hugging i did...Gilbert hugged me back, and i could feel...tears...running down his face... "its alright...i know how that feels...but why are you crying..." I asked while Alfred just stood there. "I-i...i thought you guys hated me..." He choked... "Awh dude, laaame!" Alfred said angrily as he stormed upstairs leaving us to our own business. "We did...for a little while..." I sighed then let go of Gil. He looked retarded... "A-are w-we still friends...i hate them...i just want to be friends again..." He sniffled, as he wiped his eyes with his red sleeves. I nodded, "of course..." After Gil and I stood in more silence, Gil left a sniffling mess and i didn't bother texting Destiny because i wanted to give her some time. I finished my homework and checked my phone, some random number had texted me...
"Is this Matthew?"
And a few missed calls.
I decided to reply even though i normally don't.
"Yes this is Matthew who be dis?"
"Its Matt!"

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