Chapter 3.

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(Mojo and Flow in media)

A few weeks after Flow left..

I've been so unhappy since Flow left. I had no idea how to reach her. She had no family here, as far as I knew. She left no clues. I guess I deserve this. If only I had been honest and upfront about it all..

Smh, fuck man. I need my baby back.

My phone buzzed and I pay no attention to it. I look through the pictures of Flow on our iPad. She's so beautiful. How could I have fucked up twice ? How?

My phone was ringing again. I answer. Its Tiana.

"Hey, can you talk?"

"Is this an emergency?" I asked. I told her I'd be here for her and Yanna but only if they needed it. I had no plans of bringing her back in my life.

"Not really, I just.... I need someone to talk to."

I sighed. Be nice, Mojo.

"Sure, what's up?"

"Well, I've been doing some thinking. I'm truly grateful for you rescuing Yanna and I. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't showed up when you did. But um, I guess what I'm really trying to say is I want to show my appreciation."

"There's no need--" She cut me off.

"Yes, there is. You came when I needed you the most. Now I want to do the same."

"Look, Tiana. I know you're trying to be nice but I can assure you--"

"I won't take 'no' for an answer. Saturday, 8oclock sharp. Do not be late."

"Alright.." I rolled my eyes. I wasn't in the mood to argue so I went with it.

"Oh and Monica?" She said. I frowned. I hated my first name.

"Yea." I responded.

"I love you."

I hung up. I didn't expect that. I didn't know how to respond. Its been too long. I can't deal with this. I can't muster up the feelings to even admit to still loving Tiana. Nah.

I won't front. It was since to hear. But I'd rather have heard it from Flow. I spent the last few weeks looking for her but I was left empty handed. This shit sucks.

I fought back tears as I decided to shower. I wasn't going into work tomorrow. Fridays are usually slow anyway.

I guess I could prepare to go and see Yanna. I was looking forward to seeing her pretty chunky self. It'd be awkward between Tiana so I just had to make sure I accompanyed Yanna.

I hope Flow comes back. Im surprised I'm not an emotional wreck...YET. I guess it hasn't actually surfaced into my brain thoroughly.

Before I got into bed, I prayed. I prayed and prayed for Flow to come back. I can't live without her. I just can't. Even if I have to leave everything and everyone behind for good again, including Tiana, to go and find Flow...

That's what it will be.


Short , I know. Just bare with me. -Tashie 'xox

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