Cant Help Falling in Love [Sterek One-Shot]

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Fire was everywhere.

It was all Stiles could see. The heat against his skin was almost unbearable as the flames edged closer and closer, echoing booms and screams being heard in the distance. The young man trembled in terror in Derek's arms, the werewolf wrapped around him protectively in their burning home. His eyes were dull and empty, shaking fingers running through Stile's hair comfortingly through the chaos. It was the end of the world, of their once thrilling and confusing lives. Never again would they share another adventure of fighting supernatural creatures, or aiding their friends with idiotic ideas.

Stiles could remember the progression of their relationship in perfect detail. Derek asking him out for the first time four years ago, the werewolf nervous out of his mind, blushing furiously and not meeting the younger man's warm, hazel eyes. Stiles throwing Derek a surprise party for his 24th birthday, Erica and Isaac starting a food fight somewhere in the middle for Erica accidentally drinking from the boy's soda. Their first Christmas with the whole pack, Derek secretly making everyone wear the most ugliest of ugly sweaters they could find and Stiles burning the dinner rolls. He sobbed about it later because he was a 'disgrace of a cook'. Derek taking Stiles to Hawaii for their third anniversary, where he proposed and asked Stiles to spend the rest of their messy lives together. It was the first time he saw Derek cry. And who could ever forget their wedding, when they officially came together as Stiles and Derek Stilinski-Hale. Peter wouldn't stop crying. Or Scott.

When they signed adoption papers, and started the long process of paying and waiting for a child to be gifted to them. It was the start of a new generation of Stilinski-Hales with scary eyebrows. Stiles wanted to give Derek the family he deserved, no matter how long it took.

But now, those memories didn't matter. It was just them now. Standing alone as their home creaked and turned to ashes around them. "Derek..." Stiles whispered with a broken sob, clutching at his husband's shirt. "Hey, it's okay Stiles. You've got me. I'm here." Derek murmured into his ear, shielding him from the flames as they drew near. Derek soon let a tear stream down his cheek as he started to sway them back and forth, just like he'd done at their wedding when they danced together for the first time.

"Wise men say, only fools rush in..." Derek started to sing soothingly, brushing his husband's tears from his flushed, pale cheeks. Stiles looked up with wide eyes, lips trembling. The young man remembered this song, could never forget now. They danced to this on their first anniversary. And their wedding. "But I can't help, falling in love with you." The man continued over the roar of the fire, staring at the humans face as if it were the only thing worth seeing.

"Shall I stay? Would it be a sin...if I can't help, falling in love with you?" Derek smiled sadly, his own tears staining his dirtied face as he sang. Stiles started to choke on his sobs, the force of them racking his shoulders and his face contorting in pain, his lungs burning from the smoke around them.

"Like a river flows surely to the sea, darling so it goes, some things were meant to be." Derek whispered, taking Stiles' shaking hands into his own.

"Take my hand, take my whole life too, 'cause I can't help, falling in love with you..."

The fire was surrounding them closely now, the heat smoldering painfully, the men only protected by their clothing. Derek continued to sing regardless, trying desperately to take Stiles' pain away as his own made his body shake. But Derek couldn't keep it up forever. Both him and Stiles would soon succumb to the smoke and flames.

Derek shut his eyes tightly once he started to cough, his body screaming for fresh air. Derek could feel the stinging lungs, his body desperately trying to heal itself despite the circumstances. If he could just finish the song. If only he could stop the horrifying gasps and chokes coming from Stiles, the one he loved the most. The only one whom made him feel safe and loved for the first time since his family died. And how ironic him and his lover were suffering the same fate as them years ago. But Derek was almost done with the song, just one more verse.

"'Cause-" Derek gasped and choked into Stiles hair as the younger man's body started to drop, becoming heavier by the second. "I c-cant he- elp..."

Black was crawling across his vision, the pain starting to become unbearable. Derek dropped to his knees, his legs shaking with the effort to keep him and Stiles standing. But there was no point, Stiles had gone still in his arms. Derek could no longer hear or feel his heartbeat. He sobbed around his words, knowing he'd no longer see his husband's wide smile, or hear his dorky, sarcastic remarks. Please, just finish the song- just-

"Falling in love.....with-"

With one final gasp for breath, and with Stiles' now limp and quiet in his arms, his vision went dark, the roar of the fire fading away.


And his life slipped from his fingertips

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2016 ⏰

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