pool table

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Look what are you doing stop hanging out with that one boy!!But i love him.I score a ball i hear someone yelling that at my sis.My name was bruce but now im ace.I look back and her friend craig was yelling at her my 18 year old sis yesterday was her birthday so i took her to a bar.So craig was yelling at her to stop hanging out with an approved boyfriend of my parents.So this asshole cant tell her what to do i was behind this man i elbowed the back of his neck.He fell on the floor and got back up everyone else stared at us then by notice i grabbed an 8 ball and smacked it against his temple he had been knocked out and was bleeding.BRUCE!!What the hell bruce.What?You didnt have to do that we got kicked out and i drove her home i go back to my place i dazed off and was tired i fell on my bed and in no time i get a call.So bruce you think you can just embarrass your sister like that.Dad?Yes this is your dad who else could it be.I thought you died along time ago.Died?No son that was your mom.Wtf?No no no dad i-i know who died and who didnt your making all of this up....I have your death certifacate right here.It says william percy your name.Ya know son things are to hard to explain this is one of them.Not really son i am dead im talking to you in your dream world.S-so why do you need to talk to me when someone dies they can see into the future of their child.You arent going to be normal anymore just know that...Hey asshole pick up your phone!!I woke up and answered it was my mom.Do you think you can embarrass your sister like that?No i didn't mean to embarrass her.If any thi....(riiiiiiiing)she hung up and called me back bruce wake up.Remember me from yesterday cuz i remember you of course i would you have thirty minutes to get to your mom and sis's house....id hurry...(riiiiiiiiing)i rushed to the 44 magnum in my locker.put it in my boot i walk in the door unarmed.Craig pulled out my left eye.i fainted.I woke up and was on my bed my sheets were soked with blood and around my left eye was burned and i touched the smooth ball in ny eye.i felt a knife cut going from the top left to the bottom right of my eye.i ran to my restroom the eight ball i smashed his temple with replaced my eye.But why did he bur...Oh god i put on my white top hat and suit.And drove to the house firefighters were at the house and i fell back asleep that night i talked to my dad.Again and he gave me forever lasting life and he put a curse on me so when ever i get angry or am close to an enemy my cloths turn black my skull shows and blue flames surround it

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