Chapter 35

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I didn't know what made me agree. But I did. Not so much with words but with action. That I had needed no words concerned me. Eric seemed confident that my actions would suit his demands. And they did. I found I couldn't pack fast enough. I found that I could bear the hurt in Jace's eyes as I capitulated to Eric's demands. That I did what I was told and was leaving him. Leaving Jace. The man with whom I had slept the night before naked in his arms. I shuddered inwardly at the power Eric held over me yet could do nothing to stop myself from leaving. I hugged a startled Nicky goodbye a short while later and avoided Jace's searching eyes as I allowed him to hold me in his arms and even returned his hug with a shockingly tight grip of my own.

Then I was in the car beside Eric and we were driving off. I waved at the bewildered friends and family I left behind then shook inwardly over the magnitude of my own actions.

I couldn't believe I had done it. I had just upped and left just like that. I sat there mostly in shock over my actions as Eric's Range Rover begun to eat up the distance to the city. With each mile passing the confusion and tension within me mounted. To say nothing of the invisible threads of static electricity between Eric and me that had the fine hairs at the back of my neck standing to attention. And that was not the only part of me on the alert.

The nail biting tension only escalated with time. And time there was a plenty with me cooped up in close confines with Eric. Unable to take it much more, I found myself fumbling uselessly with the radio dial determined to find anything to blunt the edges of the knife sharp tension that sliced the air between us. But every channel I landed on happened to flood in country or worse still the news. I hated the news filked as it always was with violence by mankind to mankind. Switching between stations, the most appallingly sultry sounds strummed in to hammer against the windscreens with heart shattering impact. I found myself gulping back endlessly as heat pooled persistently in the nether regions of my already over heated body.

My hand shook as I grasped the dial to turn it again but found that I couldn't. Couldn't move that is. I dropped my gaze from staring blindly at the passing scenery to stare in amazement at the hand that covered my own hold my grip in place. The shock to my system was staggering.

I drew in a shaky breath then a few more as the hand that hrld mine didn't budge. Unable to help it I turned to face him. My eyes drinking in the aristocratic profile of his handsome face. Arrogance seeped out of every tiny pore of his smooth skin. Not a blemish in sight. Not realising it my eyes grew greedy in drinking him in. With his own gaze fixed on the path ahead, I fpund that I could gaze on to my hearts content. He was beautiful. Seemingly more so than before. The time apart had done nothing in that regard. Nothing good that is. I didn't need this. This endless perfection tempting me into hell.

" Leave it," he murmured softly, his husky timbre sending an unbidden thrill rushing down my spine. The corner of his lip twitched. " I like this song."

Hearing him say that made me feel that I loved the song. I desperately tuned into the deep timber of sensuous tones of liquid gold that shivered down my spine. Sultry and sulky, the tune was like silk and satin with the rush of hot naked bodies coupling over the stretched fabric. Rumpling its surface, drawing gasps from the friction and the caress of its mixed textures. Fine fabric rippling against fine skin. Silk on silk. Satin on Satin. Body on body.

I clutched tight at the dial and felt his hand, still on mine, rub caressingly over me. Pillow talk was my new favourite. Eric was my Zayn.

The song changed and I lifted my hand off the radio as soon as Eric released me.

The ride back was stiffling as I tried my damnest not to yield to my dormant submissive nature. I couldn't give in to him. I couldn't go back to what was. But I feared any effort would proved futile. That part of my nature was dormant for a reason. I just didn't do submissive. Not when I was this aggravated at least. Or when it had anything to do with Eric. Aggravation and Eric were one and the only. He made me feel alive to all extremes. That was what had me shitting bricks over what was to come.

How could I fight life? Fight against feeling alive. Fight Eric?

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