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Brooklyn's POV

I sat up and moaned, rubbing my head. Suddenly, the fact that I wasn't in Adam's house came to me. It was dark and cold. What happened? I closed my eyes, recalling the last memory.

My eyes opened suddenly and I felt my heart racing. I burst into tears, remembering my nightmare.

"Ssh you're safe now," Adam whispered. Slowly, from hearing his voice, I calmed down. It was only a nightmare and it was true; I was safe. I wiped the tears away but I almost started to cry again. My eyes widened, horrified. It was him. The man from the alleyway. The one who shot me. He grinned maliciously and stood behind Adam, a bat held high in his gloved hands.

"A-A-Adam!" I stuttered, terrified. He looked at me enquiringly. The man raised the bat and hit him on the back of the head. I screamed as Adam fell to the floor, unconscious.

 "Sorry about that," the man hissed at me, handcuffing Adam. "I couldn't wait to see you again."

"No don't hurt him!" I shrieked, slapping his hands away from Adam. But it was more of a tap; his hands stayed in the same place and he smirked. I began to shake and sob, knowing how helpless I was in this situation. He laughed malevolently and took out a cloth. My attempts to get away were so feeble. He laughed again and put the cloth over my mouth. I struggled and darkness fell over me.

"Adam!" I gasped.

 "Oh relax Brooklyn." I turned to see the man, with a knife in his hand. "Is he all you think about?"

"W-w-what have y-you done with h-him?" I stammered, terrified.

 "Oh he's fine," he spat. "For now."

"Please!" I begged him, my voice shaking."Let me see him."

 "No can do darling." He moved near me. So close. I pressed my back against the wall forcefully, as though wishing it would reveal some secret passage way. Tears began to fall thickly from my eyes but I could still see his face. "By the way, the names John. Lets have some fun with you shall we?" He grinned maliciously, and leaned in. His lips pressed against mine and I sharply turned my head away from him, sobbing. "Darlin' I'm not going to hurt you, don't cry." His words were of no comfort.

 "Please!" I whispered, but he grabbed my jaw and turned my head to face him again. I pretended to pass out.

John's POV

Brooklyn passed out in my arms. Idiot girl. Standing up, I kicked her head so it'd touched the wall and I locked the door after I left.

"Open this door!" I heard a male voice yelling. I stood back, leaning against the wall and listening to his yells. Eventually, I unlocked his door. "What did you do to her?"

 "Oh I had some fun with her," I smirked at him.

"Let me see her."

  "You two are so alike, you're all she thinks about. Know this, she's mine, Adam."

"If you've hurt her-"

   "I haven't, she's just passed out in her room. She's getting no visitors except from me, unfortunately. For you."

"Let me see her!" He repeated angrily.

  "Let me see her!" I imitated him in a high voice. He aimed a punch at me but missed because of his anger.


 "I'm afraid she can't." I pushed him back into his room and locked the door quickly. No Brooklyn for him. Satisfied, I took a nap thinking of all the things I could do to Brooklyn. Such a wide variety...

 Adam's POV

Tears fell down my cheeks. I kicked the door furiously, hoping that maybe it'd open, but it was still closed. I've only adopted Brooklyn for two days and now she's possibly been raped or tortured by that - that deranged man. I'm a terrible parent, I don't even know why I considered Breanne's idea.

 "Brooklyn," I sobbed, sitting down. "Why Brooklyn?"

I cried into the silence.

Brooklyn's POV

I opened my eyes, when I was sure he was gone and I pressed my ear to the door. There were voices. One was John and one was - ADAM! My heart leapt.

"Let me see her," demanded Adam. If only I could see him...

 "You two are so alike, you're all she thinks about. Know this, she's mine, Adam," John snapped.

"If you've hurt her-"

  "I haven't, she's just passed out in her room. She's getting no visitors except from me, unfortunately. For you."

"Let me see her!" Adam snarled.

 "Let me see her!" John mimicked him. Anger boiled up inside of me. How dare he?!


 "I'm afraid she can't." Then there was silence. Adam? Was he alive? Please tell he hadn't killed Adam. No... Then suddenly sobs broke out, that were very muffled and distant. They were there though. Two emotions formed: happiness and sadness. I was happy Adam was still alive but devastated to hear him cry. I cried too, for ages.


The door opened and I looked up, almost hopefully but I saw John.

"What've you done with Adam?" I asked immediately.

 "Oh Brooklyn, Brooklyn, Brooklyn," he laughed. I stared as he advanced towards me. "You need to forget about him."

"Never," I snarled, marvelling silently at how fierce my voice was.

 "Then I'll make you," he spat, taking out a knife. I screamed, loud and clear. "I won't hurt you if you will cooperate darlin'. Now up against the wall." Slowly, I obeyed. He came towards me. "Kiss me."

"No," I refused immediately.

 "Then we have a problem," he said softly. He grabbed a lock of my hair and pulled my head close to his. "Do it."

"No." His knife danced it's way down my arm, alarmingly close to my skin. Then it carved his intials into my palm. J.H. I cried out in pain.

 "Do it," he repeated forcefully. I shook my head and he went over his intials. I let out a blood-curling scream, hoping that someone would come. "Scream all you like, no one will come and Adam's not going to come to your rescue again. Such a shame he was all over the news for saving you. Now kiss me."

"Over my dead body," I hissed.

"That can easily be done," he said. "But, I'd prefer you to be alive, otherwise how else would I be able to play with you." His finger trailed down my arm, leaving goosebumps in it's trail. I struggled but he kicked me in the shins. I yelped in pain.

 "Leave me alone," I moaned.

"Over my dead body," he mimicked me. I attempted to kick him in his special place but failed and he kneed me in the stomach. I moaned, grabbing my stomach. He kissed me and I pulled away again. He slapped me. "Oh by the way," he continued, an evil glint in his eye. "Adam blames you for what happened."

 "No he doesn't," I said through gritted teeth.

"Ask him if you like," he said. "Oh but wait - that's not possible is it?"

 "Let us go and we won't bother you," I attempted to negotiate with him. "What do you want - money?"

"I want you." I stared, digusted.

"You can't - HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME!" 

Then the door burst open.

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