Alphas and Hunters: ♠ Prologue ♠

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[A/N at the end of every chapter. Please read x]

WARNING: This chapter consists of violent scenes and cussing. Read at your own risk.

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Alphas and Hunters - Werewolf Fiction

♠ Prologue ♠

♀ Aryl’s POV 

  My small feet pounded heavily against the damp floors as I ran with all I had. My heart was pounding; my face – I was positive without even looking in the mirror – was stricken with confusion and fear. Why was I confused? I didn’t even know what was going. Confusion was an annoying emotion. Nothing made sense, and I hated it when I didn’t know what was going on. Why was I scared? Well, I knew that whatever that was going on, it was something to be afraid of. 

  Why was I even running in the first place?

  Well, my father had told me to.


20 minutes ago

  “See you later, R,” Said my best friend - Quinn. The school bell had ringed just a few minutes before, and I was happy to be out of my Soviet Middle School. I was only 7, and I hated anything that had to do with academic stuff.

    I smiled and waved my friend goodbye before turning and starting down the road towards my home. I was in a good mood. It was a Friday. There wasn’t any school on Weekends, and mum cooked her famous chicken Lasagne for dinner on Friday’s.

    It was a quick walk home – 5 minutes if I speed walked. I wondered if Tony would be back by now. He was a junior in Soviet High, and he could be an absolute jerk sometimes, but it was always funnier at home when he was around.

  As I rounded the corner towards my home, I paused in surprise. The wooden door to the building was swung open wide, something that rarely happened. My mum had always been cautious about our security, not that our town was anything to be afraid of. It was a nice, quiet and peaceful place, where most people’s parents knew each other, and their kids were best friends.

  Thus was the reason why I felt a sudden pang of uncertainty as I stood just outside the fence of my home. The door was practically ripped off its hinges, hanging limply in thick silence. Something wasn’t right, I couldn’t put my finger on it, but I just knew.

  The stubborn streak in me made me step forward across the fence and slowly walk into the house. Of course, there was a part of me that muttered with fear, saying that if I had a brain, I’d walk out of here and never look back.

  As I stepped into the empty house, that was what I thought the place was – Empty. That as well was strange, considering my mother was a housewife. She stayed at home while my dad went to work, and Tony and I went to school.

  I was about to walk to the house phone to call my mother in turn of knowing where she was when I heard it: The muffled and strained voices of people arguing.  My feet were alive on their own as I made my way towards the living room, where the voices were coming from.

  “We had a deal, Marcus,” A familiar voice hissed, “Leave Nancy and my children out of this.”

  I knew that voice all too well. What was dad doing home? He usually returned late in the evening from work.

  “Oh, but I don’t care about your wife,” A sinister voice sneered back. I shivered despite myself. It was as though there was a part of me that recoiled at the sound of this man – as though it was my natural instincts.

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