A dream

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"Rosie it's time to go to bed now ! I'll be up in a minute to tuck you in !" Rosie's mum shouted up the stairs . Rosie was so fed up of her mum talking to her like she was a baby . IM NOT A BABY ANYMORE MUM !! Rosie thought as she slipped into her  night clothes . She tucked herself into bed and waited for her mum to come up like she said she would . She waited . And waited . And waited . And waited . About half an hour later her mum finally arrived . "Night night Rosie . Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite !!" This was really getting on Rosie's nerves now . Her mum needs to stop talking to her like this . She's 12 . How long will this baby talking go on for now ?? Read on to find out ...

Thanks guys for reading this first chapter of my book . I hope you are enjoying it so far . I know it's a bit rubbish at the moment but it will get better . Drop comments and like this if you like it . Thank you .

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2016 ⏰

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