Meeting everyone

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We finally arrive at Kalel's

I walk in and see a tall dark haired man with brown eyes who Kalel introduces as Anthony her boyfriend.

"So this is the lucky man i hear about all the time"

"I am very lucky." Anthony says as he lightly kisses her.

"Ian get out here!" Kalel yells down the hall

A brown haired man comes walking out with the most beautiful eyes.

"Ian this is Rachel." Kalel introduces us.

"Very nice to meet you." He says as he shakes my hand.

"Rach you can stay with Anthony and I , I'll show you to your room."

Kalel walks back into a very beautiful room with a queen size bed and a big window.

"So your opinion on the boys?" She asks me.

"Anthony seems really sweet im so happy for you!!"

"What about Ian, think he's cute?" She smirks.

"Yea i guess, but I thought you told me he has a girlfriend.

"He does but i just wanted to know." She winks at me.

"Ok well i think im gonna get to bed now I've had a long day." I tell her.

"K I'll wake you up for breakfast in the morning."

She leaves the room and i begin to unpack take a quick shower and get in my pjs.


In the morning i wake up to Kalel jumping on my bed.

"Wake up sleepy head time to go get some breakfast get up!!" She yells in my ear.

"I'm up, I'm up!" I yell back.

She leaves the room, so I take a quick shower and get dressed and Kalel and Anthony are waiting in the car.

We get to the restaurant and I see Ian sitting next to a girl who he feeds a spoonful of soup too. I was guessing it was his girlfriend, I don't know why he would be feeding soup to just a random girl. I just didn't want to believe it for some reason.

We walked up and sat down beside them.

"Oh hey, Rachel this is my girlfriend Melanie." He introduces us.

We order our food and soon it comes.

I pick up my fork and immediately drop it on the floor. I blush and reach down to pick it up. But it wasn't there, so I look back up and right over my head is Ian holding the fork. I look into his eyes and thats when i first felt it, I felt something i had never felt before, something that gave me a chill shivery feeling yet warm and fuzzy on the inside. We stare into each others eyes momentarily, when suddenly i hear Kalel, "Anthony and I have an announcement."

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