Chapter 1

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"Are you sure you have everything sweet heart?" My mother asked worriedly as she held me tightly against her.

"Yes mom, I'm sure," I said reassuringly, "I will write you as soon as I get to the apartment"

"I'm going to miss you baby girl, have fun..." She almost whimpered as she let me go from the tight grasp she had me in.

"I love you mom, take care of you and dad" I say happily as I walk out the door before I could hear her answer.

My name is Noel and I'm just turning twenty. I have long dark brown hair and very pale skin, most of my bones are prominent if I suck in my stomach enough. I'm pretty short and there's not much to me. I have what my mother calls heterochomia, it's where you're eyes are two different colors. One of mine is a honey brown and green flecks, the other eye is actually black with blue streaks in it. It's quite fun to have some times.
     This is my first time moving away from the main place I have called home for almost twenty years. I am going from South Padre Island, Texas, to West Hollywood California. I am driving the whole way so this should be a while, though I know it is going to be worth it. So many pretty sights to see on the ride, along with awesome music constantly playing. I have already paid for my first month's rent in a very nice apartment, I can have an over view of the city and very kind neighbors. It small, but not bad for a place in Hollywood, things there might cost more than they did at home. I start up the car and set me bag in the seat next to the driver's side then buckle up. I put in my favorite CD and turn the volume up a bit so I can hear it. It is Pentatonix, with their newest album, it's so amazing and it even has a lullaby unlike the others. I can't help but sing along to all of the songs, I even try to get as low as their bass singer but there I no way that is happening, so I sing the harmony a bit higher.

It takes me almost a week to drive from my house to my new apartment. It is bigger than I thought it would be. I park my car and begin to get things from the trunk into the building. I meet the man working at the front desk and smile.

"Hello sir." I say bouncing on the balls of my feet a bit, I must look insane by the way I'm acting.

"Hello young lady, who might you be?" He asks in a husky voice that could send nightmares to children.

"My name is Noel, I called earlier. I am supposed to be in an apartment here?" I asked almost to myself, confused if I was at the right place.

The man looked at me like I was crazy, then he looked at his computer. He typed for a bit before looking to me with a toothy grin plastered on his pale face.

"Miss Evergreen, we have been expecting you." He said as he handed me keys, "Here are you room keys, they should have the room number on them, please inform me if they do not work."

"Th-Thank you sir." I stuttered, he was terrifying.

I walked up the stairs while I heard some other people beginning to talk to the man. I dismissed it and put my headphones in. The music was blasting the same songs as in the car but much more in depth, I hummed along as I got to the door. I put the key in and unlocked it, after getting inside it looked so dull. I sighed to myself and put my bag down to retrieve my other necessary things. I closed the door and looked to my feet, I saw others approaching so I moved to the side without being noticed, just like at school. It took me an hour and a half to get the boxes up the stairs and into my room, I set down the last one then closed the door with my foot as a laid on the floor. I took my headphones out and played the music through to speaker I had brought, it was time to put life into this room. I sang along as I moved things around, unpacking and placing all the things I had placed in the car. Once I was done it looked decent for the most part. I then heard a knock at the door, I stopped my music and opened the door. There stood my two idols in life, Scott Hoying and Mitch Grassi.

"Hi there! You must be the new girl in the house, it's nice to meet you!" Mitch said happily like always Scott was standing behind him with prebaked cookies in a plastic container with a smile plastered on his amazing face. I am sure I stopped breathing at this point because I forgot I was standing up, so as always, I fall over. Scott drops the cookies and tries to make sure I don't hurt myself or break anything. I looked very fragile.

"Hey are you okay?" Scott asked once I began to make sounds that seemed like words to me. I nodded slightly and noticed he was right above me, checking my eyes, heart rate, everything. I pretty much screeched very high pitched, making him jump back. This sent Mitch into a laughing fit in front of the door.

"I'm sorry" I whispered as I hid behind my bangs, they had grown out so I may have to cut them again.

"You're alright, we just wanted to make sure you didn't die." Mitch said once he had caught his breath from laughing.

"So I am going to take a wild guess and say you are a fan of Ptx?" Scott asked with his usual grin and sarcastic tone. I forgot my walls had some posters of them along with album covers I blew up to make into my own posters. Before they could reach my bag, filled with their portraits, I snatched up from Mitch's fingers.

No!" I shouted at another high pitched frequency.

"Well why not?" Mitch almost yelled back. I could tell that made him a bit hissy.

"Nobody has seen the inside of my bag and I don't trust anyone." I said as I held it tightly to my chest.

"Is there a head in there?" Scott asked. He seemed like he would hope there was as a treasure memory to keep.

"No, it's not a head Mr. Hoying, it's just artwork I have been working on. None of them are finished yet, so I am keeping them hidden until they are, then I'm going to sell them." I say as I play with the fraying ends of the worn out bag.

"I want to be one of the first buyers," Said Mitch smiling, "as long as you take requests."  

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