Just Roll With It

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It's been a long several days. Travel, press, late nights and early mornings.. It's been go, go, go and everyone's exhausted. Andy especially. Whatever perks come with being the frontman, being stretched as thin as humanly possible isn't one of them.

The exhaustion and crazy schedule sometimes take their toll, and Andy ends up understandably grumpy. He's been particularly bitchy the last couple of days though. Even now, curled up in his airplane seat next to you, knees drawn up, a blanket draped over himself and tucked up to his chin, he's frowning out the window.

"Has that window personally offended you?" You turn a page in your magazine.

"No." His response is sullen.

"Well, something is obviously bothering you." You close the cover, looking over.

"I'm fine." His voice has a growl in it, and even though he doesn't turn his head, you can see the dark circles under his eyes.

"Dude, you're not. What's up? You've been bitching everybody out."

The sigh he heaves leaves him a bit more hunched in on himself, but it's a bit less aggressive sounding. "'m just... fuckin' tired. Ready for a couple days off." A slight flush colors his pale cheekbones and his voice drops to a murmur. "Horny. It's so fucking irritating and I don't even have time to do anything about it."

You stare at him for a moment, one eyebrow lifting. It seems like such a simple thing but... You take a moment to think rather than just laugh, to take in Andy's posture, the tired, almost defeated expression he wears. You know that frustration. The need.

Without another thought, you reach over, slipping your hand under the blanket, between his thighs, pressing your palm against Andy's crotch, feeling the hard ridge trapped in his pants.

Andy's whole body jerks in surprise. His knees can't go up any higher, especially in his seat, but his thighs clamp together, trapping your hand. Pressing it tighter. And despite the almost outraged noise he makes, he can't help it when his eyes flutter closed, hips shifting up, just a little, into the pressure.


You smile, glancing around at the other passengers, hand grinding down lightly. "Let me help, Andy."

It doesn't take long for him to decide, he barely even fights, even with where you both are, the confined space, the people all around. He unfolds himself, feet on the floor, knees falling apart. His hands scramble under the blanket, dropping down to pop the button on his jeans, dragging the zipper down.

You've barely moved your hand, shifting it out of the way only enough to let him open his pants, and as soon as the material is open, your hand is dipping inside, gently pulling his cock free, fingers immediately curling around the length of him and sliding up. Andy lifts a fist, teeth pressing into his own knuckles to stifle the sound his body wants to make, his eyes slamming shut.

You watch, almost fascinated, his expression something like a grimace as your hand moves and he apparently can't muffle himself completely, a little whine audible. Your thumb grazes the head on an upstroke and his fist falls to the seat's arm, his lips parting in a gasp, voice a low, gravely growl when he forces out a word, quiet.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2016 ⏰

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