Part 3

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You walk hand in hand until your reach the entrance. Your peer into the darkness, even greater than the one surrounding you. Kyungsoo's grip tightens around your hand and you sense his growing uneasiness, which transmits itself to you. This is far from being his first job, but somehow it seems more important to him. Thinking about it, what he did last time was much unlike him. Never would he have stayed behind, putting himself in danger, when he had other options. He is working harder than anyone on this mission, even pulling a few all-nighters to deepen his research. Being nervous is also unlike him. He is usually the one to lay out every detail and possibility, perfecting the team's plan so they go on without a problem. He always knows what to do and how to react, advancing confidently towards even the most hazardous situations. But somehow, this investigation affects him differently, shakes up his confidence.

"Be as quiet as you can. Stay in groups of two. Notify the others if you find anything." Suho states his orders before your team enters the abandonned mine to investigate. He doesn't want any accidents happening like last time you were out in the field.

Once inside, the group scatters off in different directions. After a while, you start relaxing, and so does Kyungsoo. There is obviously no one in the mine, and you end up convincing yourself that you have no reason to be afraid. Never letting go of your lover's hand, you walk along the narrow corridors, getting deeper into the darkness. The faint light of Kyungsoo's flashlight is the only thing guiding you.

You suddenly come face to face with two big wooden doors.

"Doors in a mine? That's pretty odd." you think to yourself. Almost as if he heard you, Kyungsoo also speaks up:

"What in the world?!"

"I think we should warn the other guys before we attempt anything..." you suggest, knowing anything could be behind those doors.

"No. I have something to find out, and I don't need anyone else to know about it."

His aswer surprises you. Safety should always prime on personnal interests in this buisness. However, you hold back your desire to argue, feeling that he really needs to do this. Taking a deep breath, D.O steps forward, shielding you with his own body, and gently pushes the door open. A light screeching sound echoes trough the empty mine, not loud enough to alert your teamates. He pauses once the door is open, listening for any changes. When nothing comes up, he steps forward into what seems like a vast area. Lurking in the shadows like hunters awaiting their prey, dozens of cars are lined up in front of you. Kyungsoo slowly sweeps the entire room with his flashlight, taking notes of the different imported brands.

"We found the jackpot!" you whisper-scream, raising a fist in the air.

"Shoot." Kyungsoo mutters under his breath as every single light in the room lights up, making both of you blind for a few seconds. "I think I hit the switch with my back."

"I believe you did not, young man." an unfamiliar voice breaks through, making the blood freeze in your veins. The figure slowly advances out of the darkness, both of his hands tucked in his jacket's pockets. "So I see you managed to escape the fire?" he snarls at your boyfriend. Ears turning to a bright shade of red, Kyungsoo only glares at him. He knows all too well what the man is hiding in his jacket. Anything he says that may sound wrong can cause a bullet to pierce through either of you, so he decides to keep his mouth shut for as long as he can.

"Plus, you were smart enough to discover our hiding place." the stranger adds sarcastically. He claps his hands loudly, the sound resonnating through the whole room. "What a clever boy we have, just like his father!"

The remark makes D.O turn a crimson red and his hands ball up into fists. You turn to look at him, question marks filling your eyes.

"Don't you dare talk about my father like that." your boyfriend says through clenched teeth. You can sense that the situation is turning sour and that you should probably end this as soon as possible.

You faint running a hand through your hair, pressing your earpiece multiple times to send an S.O.S. to your team. Suho instantly responds, telling everyone to head towards your location.

"Is she your girlfriend?" the man asks D.O, a gun hanging loosely in his hand. You didn't even see him take it out of his pocket, but now you hope even harder for the boys to get here. You take hold of Kyngsoo's arm, mentally begging him not to do anything rash.

"Help is on it's way." you whisper internally.

When he gets no reaction, the armed guy points his handgun straight at you.

"I asked you, IS SHE YOUR GIRLFRIEND?" he says more firmly, the icy tone in his voice terrifying you. Kyungsoo instinctively positions himself in front of you.

"Yes." he answers with the same icy tone the man used, a tone you have never heard from him before. "And you better not touch her, or I'll kill you."

"Oh yeah? Let's see about that." the man chuckles.

In a swift movement, Kyungsoo sends you rolling to the floor as the detonation is heard. He somehow manages to dodge the gunshot, also ending up on the floor. At that moment, the doors behind you burst open and relief floods through you. Suho, being the leader, is the only one allowed to carry a gun. As he enters the room, he points his weapon towards the other armed man. Following behind him, Chen lends both or you a hand to help you up. The stranger raises both his hands and starts laughing histerically at the gun pointed in his direction. Everyone starts slowly backing up at Suho's command.

"I doubt this guy is alone. We should leave for now. We'll face this later, once we're prepared."

Backing out of the mine, no one ever stops facing the wooden doors and the man inside. Once you step oustide, you all run to the EXO van where Lay is hidden. Having heard the S.O.S., he is prepared to leave as soon as everyone is inside the vehicule. The van speeds down the road, leaving Kyungsoo's questions temporarily unanswered.

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