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This is how Variety looks



"Its time to move" "Variety says again we've been at it for years i'm gets tired of this moving around week after week i don't even remember my last friend " please let's stay Variety" " no we have to find him " who cause I don't even know why we have been hopping city to city and state to state it's so stupid" " child you are 18 now act like it" . it happens almost everyday we keep moving searching for a stranger, but Variety won't tell me why we need him. "Come child its almost night we need to prepare" "yes Variety" I
walk up the stairs of my temporary home. The room I stay in is a mint green
with a little bit of black designs on the walls. I change into a black tee-shirt,my leather jacket and some dark blue skinny jeans. I get down on my knees and get my weapons safe out from under my bed. I get my sword, handgun, and a few silver daggers in case we encounter werewolves. "Come on Zoe they are on the move" oh yeah I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Zoe Parock I'm 18 and currently in New Zealand to search for the ' changer as Variety calls him. Oh and Variety is my guardian \mentor \sometimes lover \teacher\ fairy and friend. He is the only person I associate with on a daily. We are about to embark on a hunt for sinners. I started when I was 10. Father was a sinner too that's why Variety killed him , I smile at the memory. "Come on " Variety said. I walked out of the house with him.

"Its time" Variety whispered

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