Emotion - Melanie's POV

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I have a decision to make and it needs to be made this second, right here and right now. I either talk to Danny and get all those emotions out, the ones building up inside for months. Or, I keep staring at him until he gives up. I keep time frozen and decide to break the pact I made with myself to never talk to my brother again. "Danny, do you have any idea what you've done?" Once the words are out of me, they flow like a rapid river. "I one day sat down to find myself alone. You, my best friend, abandoned me to be popular. That feeling you get when someone you love dies, that's what it felt like. The Danny I love died, the new one I hate more than words can say. The first week I thought my Danny was only sleeping, he would wake up. But no. He died and is living in agony underground while the new Danny punctures my already fragile heart with arrows built on hateful words. And all my emotions have been hidden, built up inside me like a bee hive that was never discovered. And now that I realize it, the old Melanie is also dead. The happy Melanie. The new Melanie hates life and always will. Danny, face it. You've ruined someone's life forever and that someone turned out to be your own sister. So I don't know why you think I will ever begin to forgive you or even love you. If you had to ruin someone's life, ruin your own. I was perfectly happy until you turned my sunshine into lightning. So get lost and never talk to me again." I say, tears streaming down my face. I'm sobbing and my stomach hurts. "I just want to die right now" I say, and I bang my head on the desk. The last thing I remember is Danny muttering "What did I do?" Under his breath as the world spun and everything went black.

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