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I love you, I don't,

I hate you but leaving I won't,

When I tell you not to change believe me,

You are beautiful just the way you are -

Test and Trials we have seen ,

But thank my lucky stars you didn't leave me my Queen,

Your smile lights my day,

And your eyes shine the way.

We fight yes we do but I'll always come running after you,

Because I love you.

Sometimes I call you Lego,

Because you make the best ego

But tho you feed me to fat,

Working it off you are behind me with a bat,

You make me realize that everything is not about me,

In times like these you remind me that it takes two to tango,

In a love that was joined together without selfless feelings,

I love you honey boo.

To me,

You are the sun to the sky,

The water to plants,

The honey to bees,

The air to mankind,

And the life to my world

Will you marry me?

Because honey I love you, they don't.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2017 ⏰

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