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-3rd Person 'He, She, Her, His'

-Be Descriptive, I will write just like you. So if you want to be descriptive I will be too. If youre not, then I wont be either.

-Take the freaky deaky to the PM. Flirting, Hitting on, and Cheekiness is fine. Our characters can frick frack but I usually just skip it.

-I cuss a lot...just saying

-No drugs.

-No self harm. Your character can have scars and they can say that they self harmed. I just dont want your character doing it while at the school. Thank you.

-Be Active If i follow you I can literally see you online...If you dont answer for 3 Days without an explanation then we will pretend as if you were never on there and I will remove your character.

- No Prissy Pants, obviously no one is perfect in this roleplay

- When youre done reading this comment your favorite book

-While we rp I usually talk to the admin like:
((Hey is it okay if my character does this blahblahblah))

-Drama is Key. But Not too much.

-Please make 2 characters, boy and girl for diversity.

Thanks for reading this...Just had to make sure everything is clear.

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