part 4

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jasons pov

i turned on the radio to stop this awkward silence that has been going on for the last hour. "Jason Mccann accused of murder. Last spotted at the Fancy Pantsy bar in Los Angeles. (i made it up..~emilyy) Whoever has any location of Mccann please call us at 3237420864 (fake number, well in my story..:P~ emily), we need him for questioning. "

"Fuck my fucking life why does this always happen??!" i shouted more to myself then anybody. "Jason! Everythings gonna be fine! You didnt kill him, he shot himself. We saw everything." Justin said keeping his eyes on the road.

"yeah fucken right! im always the bad guy no!!! im 21 for fucks sake,& im married!!! why would i give up my life to murder some drunk dick at a bar!?" i shook my head in disappointment. "i was done with this stuff since i was 17." i said looking at the yellow stripes on the road.

"Justin can i crash at your place for a night, thanks." i said without waiting for an answer. I dont want Ariana to be mad, so i'll see her in the morning. We dropped off Ryan at his place, then me and Justin went to his house. I went straight to the couch, laid down, and went to sleep. "im sorry baby" i whispered as if i was talking to Ariana. Then i fell asleep, as if nothing ever happened. Psh. I wish. I thought about everything i could possibly fit in my head. Then i got dizzy, and fell asleep. Or maybe juhst have passed out....


xP Sleepy update. SOWWY. Comment? Vote? Share? cx

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