Chapter 29

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Clearlight's POV:

The patrol neared the Magiclan border.
"We will wait for a patrol to pass." He meowed as he sat down and started grooming his fur to pass the time.

There was the sound of leaves crunching under paws and he looked up to see three Magiclan warriors staring at them with hostility in their eyes. "What are you doing here? Don't Lightclan cats know that the border is not a sharing tongues place?"

Clearlight stood up and met his gaze angrily "Hello Bonehollow." He hissed at the white tom. "Still picking fights with every living being you meet?"

Bonehollow growled but stayed calm "Clearlight." He nodded in greeting. "Have you decided to rejoin your birth clan and leave the weaklings?"

Slowsky hissed but didn't move from her spot behind Clearlight.

"We wish to speak with Leafstar."

"Clearlight." Flowerriver emerged from behind Bonehollow, smiling brightly.

"Flowerriver." The grey tom greeted his sister. "How are you?"

"I'm good." She smiled softly.

Brownbelly scowled from the back of the patrol. "Stay away from our border."

"Nice to see you again Brownbelly." He nodded at the brown tom. He only snorted in reply.

Slowsky stepped forward and broke them apart. "Let's go."

Clearlight nodded and started walking over the border and into Magiclan territory. "We will speak with Leafstar wether Bonehollow likes it or not." He meowed.

Flowerriver followed him, pressing her pelt against his. Clearlight nearly cried. He missed his sister, brother, mother and father alot. He looked at Flowerriver's belly. It looked slightly swollen. "Hey Flowerriver? Are you having kits?" she nodded

"Their Brownbelly's." Clearlight growled at the though of the arrogant brown tom as his sister's mate but he shook away the thought away.

The patrol neared the Magiclan camp and signalled to his patrol where the camp was. "Just behind those shrubs is the camp."

Bonehollow curled his lip but said nothing but Brownbelly had something else in mind. He barged past the patrol and stood in front of Clearlight, blocking his way. "Listen here fox dung! You don't belong here anymore and your clan mates don't either!"

Clearlight growled angrily and shoved Brownbelly away, continuing to pad towards the camp entance.

The two patrols padded through the entrance and were immediately greeted by Leafstar.

"Bonehollow! Why did you bring Lightclan cats to the heart of our territory? Did you capture them?" asked Leafstar as the agile she cat stepped toward the Lightclan patrol.

Brownbelly looked at his leader "We found them by the border. They wish to speak with you... I don't know why."

When Brownbelly finished speaking, Clearlight stepped forward "There is a new clan living in the moorlands. It's name is Deathclan and they are made up of foxes and cats." Clearlight hesitated "Skystar-"

Leafstar interrupted him "SkySTAR?"

Clearlight nodded and continued "Yes, Deathclan attacked and killed Jumpingstar. It was revealed that Deathclan wants to take over all three clans and rule over us." Clearlight took a short breath. "We need to join together as one clan and fight Deathclan together as one." He waited for Leafstar's response.

The Magiclan leader thought about all the information for a while and Clearlight was growing impatient. Then Leafstar finally said "Yes, Magiclan will join with you. Have Monsterclan agreed?"

"Skystar sent out another patrol to Monsterclan at the same time as us so we do not know yet if they have agreed." Slowsky mewed.

"Good. I wish you luck. Let Starclan show us mercy against this evil force." Leafstar dipped her head and waved her tail in farewell as the patrol left her camp.


Warriors: Will Lightclan Survive? ~Series 1 Book 1~Where stories live. Discover now