Chapter 1 : My Cousin

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Don't judge me on the description/summary. I've never been good at writing those without giving the entire book away. So if you happen to read this and think its good tell your mom, dad, brothers, sisters, friends, your sisters friends, your brothers friends, your cats, your dogs, your monkeys, your snakes, your ex, your friends ex . . . sorry. Stay focused.

Just tell people to read the story and not the description/summary. But I don't think anyone is going to read this. Thanks, if anyone does read this.






It was 5:00 on Monday, March 14. I had just got home from hell . . . or shall I say school. Oh! Where are my manners? I'm Ciara or C. I'm 13 in the 9th grade.

My school is an actual living hell. The boys are freaking vultures. Every single guy at that school has hit on me at least once. AND the worst part is I'm THE youngest person at my school. I swear they need to drown in water because that's how damn thirsty they are.

Back to what I was saying before. When I got home from hell there was a note on my bed.

Mum: Hey Ciara. Ill be home late. Your brother will take care of you until I get back. Don't forget to find something to wear to the family reunion on Saturday. If you can't find something at home I left $60 for you. Love you. Mom.

Ugh. I don't want to go to the family reunion. Spending my Saturday with a bunch of people that think I'm too young to do anything for myself. And also my cousin will be there. Chresanto August. We used to be close, inseparable. Then he got in this little group called Mindless Behavior and fame went to his head. He stopped hanging out with everybody. that wasn't in his immediate family.

When I looked at the clock again it was 6:45. Since I was too lazy to look in my big ass closet for clothes I called my big brother, Jeremiah, to drive me to Forever 21.

After spending about 2 hours in Forever 21 we went home and Jeremiah's girlfriend came over. She was 5'2, has curly light brown hair, hazel eyes, and the perfect body. She and Jeremiah made a cute couple. Their names were even cute together, Jeremiah and Jackie. I knew the reason she was over, so they could . . . you know, but I'm not one to judge. They were both old enough in my opinion, Jackie being 18, Jeremiah 20. They've been together for 2 years and Jeremiah never got any, which surprised me.

All this talking about love is making me not want to go to this reunion even more. I hate to admit this but the real reason I don't want to go there is because Chresanto. Yes, I'm in love with him. That's not even the worst part. The worst part is we have the last name. It may not be as big of deal to you considering I just told you I'm in live with my cousin, but it's a big deal to me. Oh! You ask how we have the same last name. Let me explain...






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