Chapter Five

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   Soaringmoon P.O.V.

     I paused the story and noticed Dawnpool and Fernstripe at the entrance. They sat there, staring at me. I looked down at the kits and saw there eyes were watering up.
"Are you okay?" I asked, worried.
"Yeah, keep going," Harekit sniffled.
Dawnpool and Fernstripe walked over and sat down, shocked.
"We never really did hear the full story of your past. We only heard bits and pieces. I'm sorry," Fernstripe meowed.
"Don't be sorry yet. Just wait until my mother dies. Thank Starclan I heard what Heather said, otherwise I wouldn't be here right now," I meowed.
"What did she say?" Birdkit mewed, wiping her eyes.
"You'll hear in several heartbeats. Okay as I was saying...

Moon's P.O.V.

   I awoke on the stump, guessing I fell asleep. I looked up and noticed the sky has darkened with gray clouds. I watched a leaf fall from a tree, gently swaying it's way down to the ground. I looked over to the spot Ash and Heather left, and saw Heather dragging Ash. My heart skipped a beat as I saw gash's all over him, and a big one on his throat. I ran over to him, sniffing his pelt. It smelled of some strange animal, and there was no life in him. I looked at Heather, she didn't noticed me. Her pelt smelled of something funny, and it looked like she was grieving for his death, but it seemed like she was hiding something.
      Heather walked into the den and I heard a screech of grief. Rowen ran out and dove into his fur. I walked beside her and buried myself in her fur. It started to snow lightly, like the sky was crying icy tears for the deaths of Moth and Ash.
"You guys should come inside, you'll freeze," she meowed.
    Rowen nodded and went inside, her warm fur leaving me in the cold. Heather followed. I stayed outside, grieving for father. I didn't care if I froze to death, I loved him so much. He always took care of me when Rowen was asleep and I woke first. We'd always play moss ball. It was hard to loose him. I heard Heather talking to Rowen. I pricked ears to ease drop on them.
"Here, take these. They'll help your grieving," Heather meowed. I got up and walked closer to the entrance of the den. I listened to Rowen chewing on something. She soon coughed and gagged.
"What did you give me?!" Rowen coughed.
"Death berries!" Heather growled.
"Why?" Rowen meowed, her cough increasing.
"Did you really think that your daughter was killed by green cough. She wasn't! I have her half a death berry to make it slow and painful! I killed your mate, not a stupid fox! Your family is a disgrace! It never should of been made! Your "mate" was my ex mates son! He chose someone else over me because I wasn't a good enough for him! Now I'm getting my revenge by killing this family. That little ones next!" Heather meowed.
  Heathers footsteps sounded towards the entrance. Moon dashed off in fear as she stuck her head out.
"Come back here! I'm not going to harm you!" Heather meowed innocently.
    The elder began giving chase. Moon weaved through tree's as Heather raced to catch up to her. The tree's opened up to a moorland with frozen streams and rivers. More and more snow came down, making it hard to see. Moon looked back and could see a light brown blur collapse at the edge of the tree's. Moon kept going, knowing the elders determination to kill. Moon's limbs began to feel wary, and her vision became blurry. She could faintly see ferns, and collapsed in a pile of snow and blacked out.

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