~ Date ❤️ #1~

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That's me btw lol , plz excuse my weird cat ears in the pic <(•.•<)

General POV ;
Today was the day Slender would formally ask (y/n) on a date since the night of the party. After making his preparations for a date (y/n) would never forget, he was ready. Teleporting to the doorstep of said male, slender rings the bell.

(Y/N)'z POV:
"COMING!!" I yell out , running down the stairs and to the door.  "Hello (y/n)", said the vary tall slender man.
"Oh your here early. Come in Slendy..., what's up?" I lead him to my living room and sat down.
"I actually came to ask you a question...." He said looking at the floor. For some reason he wouldn't look at me today, worried something bad happened I asked him."why aren't you looking at me , is something wrong?".
He just stayed in his state of silence , but he raised his hand and pointed at my frame. Looking down I realized I was still in  my boxers. "Oh GOD!!!.. Sorry I'll be back" I yelled , making a mad dash to my bedroom to put clothes on.

SlenderMan'z POV:
With a red face and very ungentlemanly thoughts in my head, I wait for (y/n) so come back downstairs.
After some time , I waited but her was still upstairs. At this point I was worried so I made my way upstairs and found his bedroom. I knocked on the door and it opened on its own. "Ummm, (y/n) are you........?!?!", when I looked up from the ground I saw him ,still in boxers, trying to button up his shirt. "Oh Shit ! Sorry I'm taking so long , this shit is being stupid" he said struggling. "Would you like my help?" I said trying not to look down from his face. "Ummm idk ......ok" , he said with a red tint in his cheeks. "He walked over to me and I kneeled down to his level. Helping his do up the shirt rather quickly I start to leave the room. "Hold up..... I'm gonna need your help again!!".
~time skip cuz I'm a jerk ❤️~

After helping him pick the rest of his cloths and help him put some of them on correctly , we went to the living room again. He ended up going with a black button up and some dark jeans with his (f/c) converses. I laughed a little when I realized he looked like he was a member of MCR (my chemical romance). "oh (y/n) , before i forget , I came here to ask u something" he looked up at me and walked over. "Ok... What is it Slendy Man" he said laughing at my reaction to the name. "Well since the party and I'll I wanted to ask you out on a proper date"

(Y/n)'z POV
I tried to keep a level head , even though I was fangirling on the inside. "Of course I'll go out with you" I said trying to sound cool (failed). "What does this mean we're boyfriends now?" I said hopefully as I looked at the tall man on the sofa. "Yes ..... If you want to , that is" he said looking away and a rosy color growing more opaque on his white face. "YES!!!!" I yelled and ran over to him on the sofa and hug/jumped on him.

I fell in love with SlenderMan {SlenderMan x Male reader}Where stories live. Discover now