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Haru was hung up on Rin ever since he left for Australia. Rin and Haru were rivals... When it came to swimming, but out of the pool they were best friends. Rin though was something more to Haru. Haru had fallen in love with the redhead. He thought that Rin was perfect in every way. (Not that Rin isn't perfect in every way 😍) Rin was always so determined, and funny and cute. But Rin moved over to Australia overnight. He didn't say goodbye. It left Haru heartbroken. No one knew, not even Makoto but Haru  cried for days. Now, it wasn't his main problem anymore, but once in a while he would still think about it. Five years after he suddenly thought about that day again. Haru was going with Makoto and Nagisa to the old swim club, before the city tore it down. Then walking towards them was Rin. Everything came flooding back. He tried to hold the tears back, he thought that Rin would greet them hug him again, but all he said was,

"Sup, losers," and he challenged Haru to a race. Of course to just race with Rin again Haru accepted, even though Rin was rude to Makoto and Nagisa. Bad news. The pool there didn't have water! Haru watched as Rin leave in silence. Makoto saw how upset his best friend was.

"Haru? You okay?" Makoto asked.

"Yes, Makoto I'm fine," Haru says.

"Ok, it's getting late let's leave " Makoto says. The three escorted themselves home.

That night neither Haru or Rin could stop thinking about each other. They missed each other. Even though Rin acted as if he didn't care about Haru at all that day, he really did. He wanted to hug Haru and kiss him. Not that they ever did. Haru couldn't help but think the same.

"You can't get over Rin can you?" Makoto asked the next day. Haru simply shook his head. They walked quietly to school. Haru couldn't focus anymore. He was sad, and angry. Angry at Rin for leaving him, and ignoring his feelings that night. Angry at himself for letting Rin leave, and not going after him.

After school, while Haru was walking home with Makoto,he heard a panting coming from behind him. Suddenly he was wrapped in a tight hug. He turned to see who it was, It was Rin.

"I'm, so Sorry! I should have never left without telling you," Rin was in tears. 

"I love you. I always had," Rin gasped.

"I love you too," Haru says back. He also struggled to turn and hug Rin back. Makotojust smiled and left without a care in the world, but of course the happiness of his friends, made him happy.


Rin and Haru couldn't believe their crushes loved them back. They felt kind of nervous that they were both boys, but right now they didn't care.they loved each other and that was what mattered most. Without hesitation Rin pressed his lips against Haru's. Haru stood there for a second then kissed him back. Then, after he broke the kiss Haru smiled, for the first time since Rin left.

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