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Today is the day we go on a run. Runs can be fun. It's kind of like shopping but everything is free. I look at Ron. He's still sound asleep. Aw. He looks peaceful, too bad I'm about to interrupt his peace.

HI" I sing as loud as I can. Ron groans and puts a pillow over his face. "Oh you want me to sing it again?" I ask. "No." He quickly says getting up.

I put on a new outfit and meet Ron downstairs to get ready to go on a run. I grab his hand and we walk off to meet Rick, Michonne, and Daryl. Daryl glares at Ron.

I don't know why Daryl doesn't like him. We pile into the car in this order. Rick driving, Michonne passenger, Ron right window seat, me middle and Daryl next to me, left window seat.

I lean my head on Ron's shoulder. Daryl scoffs loudly and Michonne awes. I roll my eyes. We drive for while in silence until we find a little shop. It reminds me of a Target but smaller.

We get out and stay close while we clear it. We go inside and pick up some things we needed and put them in a cart that Rick pushed. We all separated for a couple minutes to get ourselves things we wanted.

I was humming and walking down a clothes aisle when Ron yells for help. I drop my clothes and run around the aisles and see him getting torn apart by a walker. He yelps and then falls over. My heart shatters in two. "RONNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I scream. I shoot the walker.

I ball my eyes out. I kneel down and press my hands to his wound to attempt to stop the bleeding. I know it's too late. He's gonna be gone soon and there's nothing I can do.

"Ron, I love you so much, I'm sorry this happened. I'm so happy I overcame my fear and fell in love with you. Now I can never fall out of love with you." I say sobbing.

"Shh, it's oh-okay. I love you too." He grunts through his pain. I wipe away his tears and just hold him. "Isabelle, you have to stop being afraid." He whispers.

"Afraid of what?" I ask. "Loosing me." He mutters barely audible. I think about what he said. It makes sense. We just sit in silence as he spends his last few moments on earth.

"Goodbye Izz." He breathes out. It was his final breathe. His final words. No. NO. It's not a goodbye. "Don't say goodbye." I cry. I shake him. "RON!" "RON!" "PLEASE!" "I NEED YOU!" I scream out. I tug my hair in anger. How could this have happened. It's all my fault for being in a different aisle.

I kick the carts over. I stomp my feet and scream in anger. I throw myself on the ground and cry. Rick, Michonne and Daryl watch me with sad looks on there faces.

I look at Ron. He's turning. I have to put him out of his misery. I don't want him to be a walker. His eyes open and I stare deep into them trying to find a sign. He's gone.

"This is not the end." I whisper into his ear and stab him in the back of his head. I look at his dead body and cry. I'm alone. I don't wanna live in the apocalypse anymore. It's not fair! I wanna be with him. I get up and run past Rick, Michonne and Daryl and go outside to get my gun.

I grab it out of the car and turn around to see Daryl right behind me. "Give me the gun." He demanded. I cry and shake my head. "No, I wanna be with him." Daryl lunges at me and grabs the gun. "GIVE IT BACK! PLEASE I JUST WANNA BE HAPPY!" I scream.

"Is it really what you want?" Daryl asks. Tears escape his eyes. I nod. He hands me it. I take it and put it against my head. "I'll miss you Isabelle." Daryl says crying. Michonne and Rick walk over and stare.

"See you later."
I mutter.
Darkness overcame me.
I can be with Ron forever.

I met up with Ron and we watched as Alexandria bloomed and grew as a community and I smiled because I was with my true love forever now.

~The End~

Oh MY GOSH! I cried writing this and I know this was kinda of a short story but it's hard thinking of new chapters all the time. You can read my other Ron fanfic called Intriguing and I hope you guys liked this.

No more chapters to come, sadly. But more stories hopefully!!
Ronabelle lives on forever.

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