One Unfaithful Night

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It was a long day, David turned and spat off the porch before kicking his shoes off by his mahogany door. Pushing his key lightly into the door, his brain releasing a slight burst of dopamine as he expected relaxation inside. The familiar banging of Snuffy, his dog, wasn't prominent, it was just silent. It was hard not to notice the silence after months of having Snuffy resist against the door as David would enter his house. David turned the key untill it clicked. Turning the door knob with is right hand and leaning against the door with his left pushing expecting a resistance of sorts but instead he fell through failing to compensate for Snuffy's weight stumbling over the threshold. Lurking through his mind was the strange, unsettling silence.


Linda's home, he looked back to notice her car wasnt there. He placed his bag on the coffee table in the hallway next to the lounge room.

"Yeah, Its me, where are you?" David stuttered out forcfully.

"Down here" replied Linda.

"And Snuffy?" he asked with a bit more confidence,

"Uhh, he followed me down here" Linda replied unsurely.

David knew something was up, snuffy never went downstairs. Hell. Linda never went downstairs especially since they moved the washing machine upstairs.

"Linda? Are you okay?"

"Yeah" her reply was ubrupt and defencive.

"You sure"

"Yes" she was cut off by a static noise.

'The hell?!?' he thought to himself.

"Can you help me? I have alot of uhh, stuff to carry and I cant get to the door" stated Linda. You're an idiot Davey. The voice inside his head full of confusion and contempt, but he couldn't shake his fear. Had she just not noticed what she'd said? What else would she be carrying?


The irritation of having to ask a second time certainly sounded normal in a situation but David had to investigate. He turned the knob and opened the door. He didn't have enough time to see exactly what waited on him, but it wasn't Linda, in fact nothing was there. He scoured the room for a trace of Linda when he noticed something strange, besides the fact he heard his girlfriend and spoke to her there was something else. He couldn't quite see so he reached for the light switch and flicked it turning the light on inside the room. His mind fell silent making it easy to concentrate. He noticed a Bluetooth speaker. "Explains the conversation" he mumbled to himself. He's first reaction was not to cower but to investigate further. Taking a step further into the room a splotch of blood flies up and stains his leg. He knelt down to have a closer look. Fondly enough he stepped in a small pool of blood.. Oh, you saw it coming be honest with yourself. He walked a little further discovering Snuffy... Dead. "Fucking monsters, whoever did this will pay" he mumbled to himself clenching his teeth. He ran upstairs and called the authorities but little did he know, they were watching, not the police, no... but someone... someone who was placing an imminent encounter and intrusion on Weltz's life someone he wishes he had known before this...

Days went by, no ransom call, nothing. Weeks went by, nothing. The police gave up their search, how could they? Is this case not worth the time? Too many dead leads? Who knows, or cares why, the fact that they gave up is where this story truly kicks off.

Weltz was walking through the park across the street from his home when he felt a presence, that same feeling he had a week ago, like someone was following him, David watched enough spy movies to know that ubruptly looking will spark a chase, or something. He couldn't help himself he turned and stood still watching, observing. An old lady walking her shitzu, a mother pushing a pram across the path through towards the fountain. Weltz turned vigorously as a skateboarder flew past him. As he turned around he found a man standing behind him arms folded smirking. He was wearing a custom tailored suit, not the cheap kind, the kind that extremely rich and powerful people wear. It was full black he wore a Red Tie and had a bump in his upper hip. He was packing. "David Weltz" exclaimed the man. He had a british accent but not the cliched one. I guess it was a central Londoner. Most people know this as the typical "Ello Guvna" voice, the one from the movies... He had a deeper voice aswell. "Uhh" David was cut off by the man. "Im James Lee" James extended his hand to shake David's. David hesitated but eventually reached in and shook his hand. "We've been watching you for some time now Mr Weltz, tragic what happend to your girlfriend" Weltz was slightly shocked. "How do you?" "How is irrelevant, why is more important, come with me and ill show you why" James gestured towards a car. Both men got in the car and drove away. What made david get in the car that day noone knows but him, he 'had a feeling' what does that mean? Did he know what was going to happen? Was he just sick of everything and needed todo something? The conversation between the two was very vague, at this point I still know nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2016 ⏰

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