Diamond no Ace x Reader

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Last updated: 03/03/2016

This here is a Diamond no Ace reader insert one-shot, imagines, what ifs, headcannons, all those type of stuff. Yes!! I'll be doing all those stuff, since why not. I love them baseball dorkks and they deserve this <33

So I'll be doing the following scenario, theme or whatever you like to call it with any Daiya no Ace characters.

• one-shot, two-shots or [insert no.] shots
• song fics (mostly)
• imagines
• what ifs
• crossover (haikyuu x daiya etc.)
• headcannons
• alternative universe
• angst and fluff

Please be mindful that I will not write smut, lemon or any nsfw thingy, cuz i don't like to write them.

Please feel free to request, don't be shy. I take any requests that comes at me. Oh btw, when requesting, please state which character and what type of scenario, plot or theme etc.

Happy readings

Throw of my Heart [Diamond no Ace x Reader]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu