kirito x reader

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(Sorry yes I know he has Asuna or Sinon but come on he's cute and this is just a one shot calm down)
And if you still haven't please subscribe to my YouTube channel for weird content!

The game. After a long day of school which includes the bullies the pain of getting up in the morning and more or less that stupid uniform with that short skirt. You walk into your room and plop down onto the bed. You have to admit school was a change of pace considering you lived all alone. That's were the game came through. As you put in the headset the rest of reality fades away. As you then awake. You didn't look to different instead of (h/c) you had pure blue hair bright green eyes and (basically the outfit above credit to the owner) besides the look you were a lone wolf you were only looking to level up. Even though you were one of the most badass. Anyway you were just getting your new sword customized. When. "(i can't really remember) all of you have now been under lock down your identities will no longer be hidden and you will have to defeat a hundred levels or die and die in real life you cannot take off the headset". The annoncer said. All of the avatars vanished once everyone took out the mirror. With low self-esteem you then hide in a cloak and sit alone and ponder. Why this why does my one escape from the real world just make it more real! You thought. Tears then flow from your eyes. My family. My Mom! You knew You lived alone but You couldn't help but worry. You continue to moap. Just as you stop crying some very muscular guy comes up to you. "Hey babe why don't we get our of here?!" He says trying to seduce. Ewww how old even is this guy?! You panic. "Umm no I'm fine." Even though this was a game you had to admit it was so real. Suddenly he raises his sword to your throat. "That wasn't the answer I wanted!" He said as his hand places onto your thigh. You then stiffen. "Someone help me." you say barely audible. "Hey leave her alone!" A male in a black cloak says. Ooo he's cute. You think to yourself. The man's hand slowly moves farther up your thigh under your skirt ; closer. More tears slip out as your mind fills with disgust. "What are you gonna do about it your just a boy." The man remarks. Just then the boy in black rushes up to the man and pins him to the wall, his black sword against the man's neck. "Leave now!" The boy demands. The man gets free and frightenedly scurried away. The boy sighs. "I'm sorry I'm stronger than this he just caught me off guard I-," "Its fine no big deal actually I'm Kirito, now can I ask why such a beautiful wolf like girl is alone?" you pull down your hood. And giggle. "Can I ask why such a mysterious boy came to save me?" You reply. "Well anybody would save a beautiful girl I just thought 'hey why not make a friend' while doing so." Your smile lessens with the word friend but end up excepting his request.

3 years after you two joined each other's party you started to feel weird around Kirito for some reason. (fyi you guys own a house together now and are still clearing floors like badasses). One night, "Oh my god!!" You yell. "I told you to stop bringing drinks to sleep this was bound to happen." He said calmly. You look down at your now soaked bed and now empty cup of water. "Ughh now where am I going to sleep!!" He chuckles to your attitude. "It's fine just sleep with me." Your cheeks turn crimson. You have had a crush on him maybe this was your chance. "Um uh yeah s-sure." You say hiding your face. You and Kirito then walk to his room. "Oh hold on let me just move my swords and stuff." He clears the bed. Silently the two of you lie down and doze off. "No (y/n) she's mine not yours you can't take her no!" You wake up to the sound of Kirito's crying. "Kirito, Kirito!" You say. His dark watery eyes open. "(y/n)!" He then throws his arms over you and holds you close. "In my dream some enemy took you and killed you in front of me and I couldn't save you!" He cries into your chest. You blush but giggle at how much he cared. It was cute. "Kirito I'm right here." You say as you cup his face. "I'm just (y/n) it doesn't matter if that happens anyway I'm sure you'll find another girl with wolf ears and-," "No I want you no matter what happens promise you'll stay by my side and if we do get out of this game that we will meet in real life!" He demanded. "Why me?!" you bluntly ask. His dark eyes met your bright green ones as his voice fills the air with sincerity. "Because I love you and even if you don't feel the same I need you right by my side!" He said fearlessly. Then he pulls you closer and embraces you in a passionate kiss. Shocked you don't kiss back. "Sorry." He looks down. "Kirito I love you too! And I swear if we make it I will be there by your side in real life!" He holds you as you hold him and you close your eyes smiling knowing your no longer a lone wolf.

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