Bidding Goodbye

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"Where are you?! I've been waiting here for an hour!" I sighed as I sent the text, along with swear words about how he should be punctual next time. I told him to meet me here at the coffee shop this morning. He said he would be here early this time... but he isn't. I was sitting down on a table, alone with a wrapped box on my lap. It's our third anniversary today, so I made him something. It was a simple bracelet with beads that spelled "Twat" and I made one for myself too, which spelled "Brat"

I still remember how we got those names... Heh. It makes me chuckle at how much I used to hate talking to him...

I sighed as I looked outside and hoped to see his handsome face smiling at me. His dirty, blonde, messy hair... His bright ocean blue eyes... His goofy smile... I smiled as I remembered how he had his own share of mood swings. I sometimes wondered if he was on drugs on some days. Or if the fever he usually has really did go to his brain. He was a weird guy alright.

I glanced at the wall clock behind me. It was two hours past our meeting time. I wonder what happened... I opened my purse and checked my phone to look for any messages. There were none.

I pouted as I sipped the cappuccino I ordered when I came in here. As I lowered the cup, my eyes wandered to the shining silver ring on my finger. It was given to me on our first anniversary. It was a simple ring without any designs. Well... it had one. It had an engraving on it. It said "Brat and Twat Forever" but as cheesy as it is... I felt as if I was being insulted back then for being called a spoiled brat.

I called him a twat though. He was being called names before, and one of them was twat. To my delight, I called him that and even added it to the end of his name sometimes. And so, "Brat" and "Twat" became our nicknames for each other.

Tick toc.

The sound of the clock.

Two hours and thirty minutes.



I looked behind me to see the daughter of the owner of the cafe. She was a young, raven haired, brown eyed girl. She was short but her attitude of being sweeter than the cakes served was quite popular. She was also my best friend. We fought when we first met, but it's alright now since we both settled how much we love a certain blue haired fictional character.

"Hey... Where's Michael?" She asked as her eyes quickly darted to the empty chair beside me.

"...I have no idea anymore Jess." I said as she took the empty seat and looked at me with a concerned face.

"My child." Well. She's about to lecture me about life again.

"Mom." I replied with a smile as she tapped my head and pouted.

"No! I'm not your mom damnit! But hey, If it helps, He came in here earlier and sat on this chair. But then I talked with him a bit and he asked for some advice about what he should do for your anniversary!" She said as she smiled cheerily.

"Advice?" I asked as my mind wandered to what kind of things she told him about me. But there may not be anything else to say about me. Michael knows everything.

"Yeah!! Advice! I told him to go buy flowers!! Lilies and Silver Roses of course!! Then I said he should go get 2 giant packs of M&Ms! But then, as I was going to tell him what you would have loved the most... he sprinted off to the nearest supermarket to buy chocolates. Quite a keeper you have there Ree." She said as she smiled brightly. "He didn't know though... that all you wanted was time." She added as her smile faded a bit.

"You know me so much, it's scary." I said as I wiped a tear that leaked from my eye.

"No crying in my cafe!!" She said as she hugged me tightly. She smelled like the sweet cakes she served everyday.

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