Magnetic Love (Eustass Kid fan fic)

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Kasai crouched down in the bushes, she had been following him for a while, looking back down at her bounty papers she smiled. "Just taking one down will set me up for a while" pulling a arrow out she notches it and aims for his heart, they did say to bring them dead or alive. "Just don't move...." she mutters as she releases the arrow, "no, no, no" right before it hits him he moves to the side, I watch in horror as the arrow grazes his arm. I try to move away as silently as possible, though about a foot later I stepped on a branch.

Too late I hear the footsteps and the bushes moving, jumping up I start to run. With a loud smack I landed flat on my back and got the wind knocked out of me, coughing and rubbing my head I start to cuss, "damn tree! don't get in my way!" A hand grabs my arm and I was dragged from the bushes, kicking and screaming I twist and bite his hand, "ow," right after I was released I ran as fast as I could and tried to get as far away as I can. Though that wasn't very far, a metal hand grabs my leg and I was brutally dragged onto the ground.

While I was down I was grabbed by two pairs of hands, "don't let her go this time heat" my eyes snap up as I look at the pirate captain that stood in front of me, "isn't she that pirate hunter?" glancing behind the captain I look at the first mate, killer. "haha, yea sorry about trying to kill you, but I was uh.....wrong crew?" giving him a nervous laugh and a smile. I tried to blow my chocolate brown hair out of my eyes, my green eyes normally gave people the wrong impression and thought I was a demon. Along with my trademark scar I had across my cheek the marines decided to give me a name, the Demon Kasai.

 The only reason I was trying to get out of this and didn't show my usually sarcasm, and sass was because this captain, well he was....different than the others. Lets start with how he looked, he was very muscular with bright red hair that reminded me of flames, no eyebrows, and dark finger nails. A scar went from his forehead to his neck and another one went through his left eye, "yea, but she isn't going to be a pirate hunter for much longer" scowling at him I bared my teeth, "oh don't be like that" he said smiling, I shivered, god that smile can kill a woman.

He dressed kind of extravagant for a pirate I had to give him that, he had on studded square goggles on his forehead. A large fur captain's coat hung on his shoulders, one of his arms through the sleeves and one underneath his coat. His coat exposed some of his chest that I was really tempted to run my fingers along. A sash that ran underneath a green belt, a sword and a gun was tucked into the sash. Gold bangles were on each on his wrists, and black and yellow lizard print pants on with a red fringe at the bottom and some motorcycle boots.

I couldn't help it, I gave the pirate a dazzling smile, "won't you let me go, captain Kid?" my smile disappears as he starts to laugh. "So that's a no" I glare at the trees, what did i think was going to happen? Just because I have a small crush on him doesn't mean he likes me! He's a pirate for goodness sakes! My hands were brought behind my back and tied with rope, I was dragged upright and marched along with two guys that gave me the creeps. I glare at Kid's back as he brought me to his ship, "put her in there" startled I look at the door we stop at, "oh great, kidnapping me that's gonna do you some good" I snap at him.

"Take her weapons" I struggle against them as my adrenaline goes up a notch, after that I was shoved into the room as I watched mournfully as my bow and arrows go away. "you'll be staying in here" I glance around as the others leave, except for one, Kid. I busy myself with looking around at the room, which didn't take long as there was only a bed in there. Sitting down on it, I look back at the captain, well at least the bed is comfy, I muse to myself, "what do you want Kid?"

"People say that your the most dangerous woman on the seas next to alvita and boa hancock" my interest peeked as he crossed his arms

"yes, I know this Kid"

"Do you know why they say that?"

Shrugging I look at the floor, "someone told me one thing, but I didn't believe them"

Smirking Kid walks up to me pushing me down onto the bed, "cause your known as one of the sexiest woman out there" startled my face heats up as I look up at him.  I try to hide my face not knowing how he would react if he saw me blush at his words, my chin was grabbed and I was forced to look up at him. "Don't hide that face from me" he whispers brushing his lips against mine, gasping I try to pull back, kicking as hard as I could. He takes a sharp intake of breathe and I know i've hit my mark, fury burns in his eyes as he climbs off of me. "For now on......your my bitch" tears well up in my eyes as he walks out of the room and slams the door. 

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