Chapter 3- escaped? I think not..

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"I neeeeeddd fooooooddddd" I cried out as I rolled around the small bed, it had only been a few hours since Kid had kissed her last, when she got no answer she growled in annoyance. Fine then, just leave me on the ship once we've docked. After her small display of panic and hysteria they had landed on the island, and had locked her inside of her room. "stupid bastard" I yelled at the top of my lungs, "you fucking suck" kicking the door I hissed in the pain.

She glanced to the window that was locked, metal bars blocking it, "stupid fucking, walking magnet" I scowl at the door and then the window. Reaching for the door handle I puled on it again, now bracing feet against the door I pulled with all me might, "come on" I whispered to it, "come on"

The low groan of the door was the only warning before the door swung wide open and the handle snapped off. Letting out a yelp as I slammed into the ground and struggled to get in a breathe, "ow" I groaned as I sat up and rubbed my back, "sure hope Heat didn't hear that" I muter before pushing myself up.  Sticking my head out the open door I look  both ways before turning down the hallway and tip-toeing my way along.

It was only when I pushed open a door and peered outside when I finally felt relief, "freedom?" a smile crept its way onto my features as I stared out at the sand and the palm trees decorating the beach they'd stopped off of. Shifting on my feet I took a small moment to compose myself and build courage before sprinting to the edge of the ship and leaping off. 

Feet hitting the sand I stumbled before righting myself and running across the sand. "freedom!" I crowed as I cartwheeled across the sand once the ship was out of sight. Laughing I kick the clear, blue water up and in a arching motion, "suck on that Eustass Kid" I yell as I sneer his name. 

"so fuck you!" I laugh as I fall onto the sand, breathing out a sigh of relief I smiled. "you couldn't get too far for me being your 'bitch' hunh?" I snicker quietly before closing my eyes.


Humming quietly as she walked through the small town she smiled, not a fear in the world. Whenever she'd catch wind that Eustass Kid was nearby she'd duck into a alleyway until she though the threat had passed. Lucky so far, but she was going to run out of it soon, "just need to get out of here" she muttered to herself, "maybe catch a merchant ship and get them to help me"

Planning things in her head she didn't notice the tall man with firery red hair in front of her, "oh sorry si-" terror filled her veins as she stared at the men she had just run into. "fuck" the only thing that left her mouth as he turned around and glared at her. "what, are you doing out?" he snarled and she back away. "I was just....stretching my legs" she said meekly as he approached.

"oh really?" he bared his teeth like a feral dog and a small whimper escaped her lips. "yea really" she said,  proud of herself for being able to keep her voice steady through the fear. "Killer" her eyes flickered to the first mate as he poked his head out of the shop to see what he wanted. She gave him a pleading look, hoping he would save her from his wrath. No such luck as Kid continued to stare at me, "i'm taking her back to the ship" with a small grunt he went back in.

As she watched Killer disappear into the shop, I am so screwed. Gasping as a hand circled around her waist and lifted her into the air and onto a hard shoulder, "you bastard" she struggled in his grip. "look, look, i'll go with you j-just put me down and-"

"no, i'm done with your 'escape attempts' " he snapped, "your staying in my room this time"

"w-wait no" I cried as people turned and stared at them, "I don't want to, someone help!" fake tears welling up in her eyes. "he's gonna hurt me again!"

"shut up!" he snarled at her, "i haven't ever hurt you!"

Kicking at his back and and trying to get as much attention as possible, "please someone" resulting to fake sobs she cried her eyes out. "no please, kid don't hurt mee"

"I'm not going to hurt you dammit" he snarled, "just be quiet"

Sniffing as Kid completely flips her so she was being carried bridal style out of the town and onto the sand, a blush creeping onto her cheeks she huffed and crossed her arms. "why can't you just leave me be" she said softly.

"Hmm?" he looked down to her breifly before he looked back to the beach in front of them, "just cause"

"that isn't a real reason" she mumbled, pressing her face into his coat softly, "and what is this? a freaking rug" she mumbled.

"what the hell?! No!" he snapped at her as she peeked up from underneath her lashes, "i thought you'd become more agrreable"

"like hell stupid, your the one who keeps me as your personal bitch, fucking me whenever you want"

I haven't fucking touched you yet!"


"You know what, nevermind"


Snuggling into the sheets she took in a deep breathe, "you take longer than me in the shower" she called before closing her eyes. His room wasn't too bad she supposed, it was nice, a desk in the corner of the room, books across the top along with some maps. A closet beside the desk and the bathroom across from the door.

The bed was a decent size, and it could easily hold two people, it smelled of him, and she wouldn't admit it to him, but his smell comforted her. She felt herself relaxing into the bed and drifting off into oblivion. Later she woke up half way to feel a warm body pressed against her back, almost instinctivly she curled up aganist the chest and fell back asleep.

A/N- thank you for the comments, they really help! Sorry the chapter is sucky i was in a rush and wasn;t sure when i was going to be able to update.

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