The Day I Got Suspended

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Chapter Two

"The Day I got Suspended"

I laughed, "You've got to be kidding me".

"I don't believe I am Ms.Arce." Coach Dublins leaned onto his desk to look me further in the eyes.

Why was he being like this? I leaned back in my chair and placed my feet onto his desk. 

"Um, no need to be so formal Uncle Jack", I said as a grin crept onto my face while he tried to be serious. 

"Dang it Sam, I'm trying to stay in character". In unision we bursted into laughter. 

Thank God his door was closed because then students would think we were crazy from our hysterical laughter. Coach dublins is actually my uncle and were very close. We can make each other laugh so easily. Most people don't know about this because I don't want a lot of attention on me. Since he's a coach I figured I recieve so many questions about the sports teams and whatnot.

"Uncle Jack, why am I in your office?" I questioned with curiosity. My eyes trailed to the football team pictures set behind him from the past 40 years. They were hung all over his wall from head to toe. The photo I was looking for wasn't on the wall.

"I wasn't joking earlier. I knew you learned the game, but I didn't know you could throw better than half the guys on my team." I shrugged not sure why he was asking me this. "Sam, you know I've played this game for a while and coached it longer. I wouldn't ask you to join the team if I didn't have a good feeling about this."

I don't know why he was asking me to do this. He knows how I feel about football. It brings back too many memories. 

"I don't know. I don't want to play football." 

And there it was on his desk. A team football picture from year 1982 and in it had uncle Jack and my dad.

Uncle jack sighs as he runs his hand through his brown hair that was clearly turning white.

"Rainey, please" I rolled my eyes at my uncle's failed attempt to convince me.

"No uncle Jack. I'm not going to play." I didn't give in so finally he gave up.

"Okay, Rainey" I rolled my eyes. He knew I hated that nickname.

His look then changed from playful to serious as he asked this question, "How's my sister?".

I instantly tensed up. "Oh mom? She's doing great. Still out of town for work".  

I've been lying to my Uncle since we moved back to town. No one has seen my mother in a long time so it's easy to lie about her whereabouts.

Uncle Jack gave me an apologetic look before saying, "Okay, well if you ever need anything-"

I waved him off, interrupting him. "I'll be fine Uncle Jack"

I hugged him before he escorted me out his office. I could see my friends throwing around a volleyball. 

I internally laughed as anyone simply walking by can tell they have no clue what they're doing.

I walked towards my friends leaving uncle Jack behind.

"Lainey get in this!" Octavia yells at me as she runs to get the volleyball that rolled to the otherside of the gym.

I step into the the circle they formed before they bombarded me with questions. I answered every question and told them about Coach Dublins crazy idea of me joining the football team.

"Don't you like, love football though?" Caroline questioned while she continues to sit on the ground making yarn bracelets. She never participates in any atheltic activity and carries around yarn. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2019 ⏰

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