Prologue: Welcome to Cross Gakuen

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*knock* *knock*

"Enter," a figure working behind the desk called out.

"President," the person greeted as he approaches the desk, "I have just received the files pertaining to the new students who will be arriving today,"

"So tiresome. Why don't you check it for me instead?"

"My… my… that is not the way a Student Council should act," the person chided playfully.

"Fine give them to me," the president demanded, "Isn't this is also your job since you are my vice president," the president said leafing through the file.

"True but I think you would be interested with these particular transfer students," his vice president said.

"Hmmm… This person…" something flash briefly on the president's eye as he taps the picture of one of the new transfer students, "Interesting… We finally meet again, Kiryu Ichiru-kun," he whispered a mysterious smile appearing on his lips.

Welcome to Cross Gakuen a private all-boys boarding school that is funded by an international zaibatsu Kuran Corp. and is under the management of Chairman Kaein Cross a world renowned sociologist/ businessman. Its vast grounds spanning to around 30 acres of land is home to a stately school equipped with state of the art facilities and a dorm that boast of its likeness to a 5 star hotel with manpower of over 1000 maids and butlers to cater every student's whims and needs.

In short it is a school for rich snobs.

Due to the insistence of my mother's brother who unfortunately happens to be the chairman of the school. My twin brother, Ichiru and I was force to transfer. Just recently our parents were murdered, and since Ichiru and I are still minors our maternal Uncle Kaien Cross became our guardian. Thus, the reason for our transfer at Cross.

I am Kiryu Zero and together with my twin brother, Ichiru we entered the gates of Cross Gakuen.

'Why do I feel a sense of forebounding?'


AN: Again another fanfic that is inspired by a manga. Again like my previous works I am not going to follow the whole manga plot of Innocent Maze, but rather the concept of the plot so I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoy writing it.

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