Chapter Four

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Chapter Four: The Sorting

Abby POV

Hermione and I were making our way through the court yard. I couldn't help but look upon the massive castle with rattled nerves. Feeling nervous to go inside and start over. Scared that things would go wrong.

"Abby, you'll fit right in here. And even if you have a hard time, the boys and I will be there for you," Hermione tried her best to reassure me.

I gave her a weak smile and nodded as we entered the large doors. I could see some of the professors, so I stretched my neck to search for my father. I hadn't seen him in weeks, since I had been staying with my Granddad Ollivander, helping him around the family wand shop.

I had done it for the last six years. Trying to learn more about our family business. All I wanted was to learn everything I possibly could about my family's trade. Even though Daddy never approved, I still studied the art of wands regardless of how much he pushed me to pursue the Defense Against the Dark Arts. Though, DAA did eventually grow on me.

As we advanced inside, I could see my father standing next to Professor McGonagall. His eyes were skimming around the crowd, as if he was searching for me. Even though I was still mad with him, I missed my father more than anything.

Out of impulse, I pushed my way past many students to get to the front of the crowd. I rushed up the steps and hugged my father tightly. He stiffened a moment, surprised by the sudden embrace. After realizing it was me, he wrapped his arms around me. I could tell he missed me just as much.

"Abigail, what are you doing?," Dad put his arms on my shoulders and looked down to me as I looked up.

"I just missed you a lot, Daddy. I wanted to give you a bear hug," I smiled. I didn't want him to see I was bothered by what happened with Draco on the train. Not yet, at least. Maybe I'd tell him after the feast.

I then heard someone clearing their throat. I looked over to see Professor McGonagall,"Miss Snape, if you would please join the other students, we can begin sending you to change for the sorting."

I nodded and my father gave me one last squeeze. I heard him whisper,"Good luck, Abigail."

I smiled and joined the rest of the crowd as Hermione gestured for me to follow here. I waved goodbye to my father before heading up the stairs.

(The sorting)

The First Years were all sorted and it was at last my turn. Professor McGonagall called me up and I slowly approached the stool. I sat down and squeezed my eyes shut as the Sorting Hat touched my head.

The hat came to life and mused,"Interesting. Very interesting. You're very difficult. Very difficult indeed. So much there is to this one. Where to put you, where to put you."

I kept repeating "Gryffindor" in my head. Hoping to be able to be with my new friends.

"GRYFFINDOR!!!," the hat shouted and the Gryffindor table cheered. I hopped off the stool and ran excitedly to Hermione, giving her a hug while squealing excitedly.

I was a Gryffindor. Just like my mother. Just the way I wanted it to be. And when I looked over to my father, I could see him giving me a real smile.

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