No Way Out

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She sat against the wall, head tilted back, a cold object resting on her exposed thigh.
'Nobody would miss you, no one', the cold voice hissed in her subconscious. She agreed numbly with the thin voice.
She averted her red stained eyes to her exposed flesh, scars vibrant against her pale complexion. Her cry for attention and help was blatantly ignored by the peers around her.
Silent tears ran down her frozen cheeks as she thought of her family sleeping soundly in the surrounding rooms.
She picked the weapon up from her thigh and put the barrel in her mouth. Closing her eyes, reliving the moments that brought her joy.
Her little brother being born.
The first time a boy kissed her.
Her friends surrounding her in a happy group of limbs.
'Nobody would miss you', the voice hissed urgently.
She pulled the trigger.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2016 ⏰

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