Hayden Maharay

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Information on Hayden Maharay
Name: Hayden Maharay
Age: Unknown *can be whatever age you prefer while reading*
Birthday: May 13th
Sexuality: Pansexual *just because there will be a diverse group of people reading so why not?*
Gender: Nonbinary *because of same reason for "sexuality"*
Pronouns: They/Them

Personality: like a normal human being; has anxiety (absolutely hate it), is not as social as they want to be (wants to be a social butterfly but struggles achieving the goal), is sensitive (really easy to break heart, something they are not proud of), can get jealous easily (especially if it's someone close to them like a friend)

Appearance: height of 5'8", "average" body build, leaning towards the chubby side, weight of 165 lbs, short pixie style hair with either side shaved off (silver hair), brown eyes, few scars/cuts on both arms and legs (clean for 3 months)
[A/N: yeah, my first actual story that I might put a lot of work in- also my first character that I thought was good enough for a story]

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