Chapter 11

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Usually Nova would wake me up, but when I looked at the clock, it was already noon. "Shit." I muttered to myself.

"You guys never woke me up." I rubbed at my eyes, entering the kitchen. Looking around, surprised to find that I was alone. "Guys?" I called.

Everyone was still in bed. Except Immortal, I didn't know where the hell HE was.

I tried waking everyone up, but it ended up taking an hour to get everyone to the kitchen table. "So it's one in the afternoon and you guys JUST woke up. How do you feel about that?" I joked, but no one said a word.

Sly looked like he was gonna be sick, Seamus and Kootra had a permanent scowl on their faces, while Kevin and Steven had their heads on the table. I was pretty sure Nova was in the middle of punching a tree outside. "Did I miss something?"

Kevin was the one to speak up, "They took him, during stage freaking four." I stood there in shock, sinking deeper into Aleks' hoodie. It smelled like him which made this even worse.

"What's stage four?" I choked. It didn't sound good.

"It basically tortures him until he gives in. No one has lasted more than two hours." Steven said plainly.

"How long has it been?"

"Three." I paused, he could be dead already, or a monster. Maybe he could be alone, scared, and hurt. Either way, it wasn't good. Sly was on the verge of tears, he had lost his best friend.

I was already crying.


More scientists had come now. They crowded the glass as if I were a caged animal. I kind of was at this point, but still.

"Aleks, I'm impressed, a new record. Three hours." The british woman clapped her hands sarcastically.

It had been three hours? It felt more like twelve. My spine felt like it was sticking out of my back, and my stomach was tied in knots.

I didn't have the energy to scream anymore. My throat felt as if someone had run sandpaper through it. So yeah screaming wouldn't be the best idea.

"So Aleks, remember you can always stop the pain. Just let down the wall, it will bring out all of the better parts in you."

It would all stop. Everything. But then I heard the distant growls that I would soon match.

'Stop thinking like this. Think of the others.' I scolded myself.

She sighed, she wasn't a scientist, she didn't care about what would happen if I lived through this. She wanted an attack dog. And she knew I was different, much stronger, better senses. So she pressed down on my temples, hard. I cried out, no matter how bad it hurt my throat. It had felt as if I had been shot in the head, but all she did was lift a finger.

"It can all stop." Her finger was still pressed to my temples. "Just let it be. You are destined to-"

"Angelica!" The asian girl screamed. She cleared her throat. "You are tampering with treatment, and I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

The british lady, or Angelica, looked as if she had just been slapped. But she took her hands off of my head and did as she was told. Hah! Take that Angelica! The asian girl left. She seemed nice enough.

????'s POV

More time had past, now Immortal was on the ground, unmoving. The falling and rising of his chest shaky and uneven.

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