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"But aunt Clair!" I scream "call me mom, and no you will not join the horse back riding club!" I look at her with disgust "YOU ARE MY NOT MOTHER!" I scream at the top of my lungs, and walk into my room and slam the door. I pick up my phone of the dresser and fall on to my bed, when I turn on my phone there is a notification saying you have six messages. I unlock my phone and go to messages my best friend Alex sent me all of them "shocker" I say to myself.

Alex: rose
Alex: rose its urgent
Alex: come on pick up
Alex: is this a trick cuz what I'm going to tell u is very important
Alex: ROSE
Alex: ROOOSE!!!!!!
Me: what is so important
Alex: oh thank goodness
Me: what do u want!
Alex: meet me at my house at 11:45 don't be late
Me: uhhh
Alex: just do it
Me: fine but I have to be back in bed by 3:00

I smile and put the phone down, I get up and put on my pajamas set a timer on my phone for 11:00 and go to sleep.
Hey guys I'm sorry it's so short I'm kinda in a writers block but there is definitely more to come don't worry😃😘🙃🍿- foreverb00ks

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