Chapter 2

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Alex POV

I open my eyes slowly and roll over onto my side, checking my phone to see what time it is--8:27--and notice a tray with pancakes, fruit, and a glass of orange juice on the bedside table, accompanied by a note:

Morning Lex-- Ash, Kel, and I are outside trying our luck out on the water. I made you some breakfast as a thank you for being such an amazing friend and agreeing to do this trip; it wouldn't be the same without you. Hope you're hungry! Can't wait to start this summer with you. Be back soon. Love, Tobin

Although there's no one in the room, I put the blankets over my head to hide the smile that's widening across my face. I knew this trip would be fun, but I definitely didn't expect breakfast in bed from Tobin on Day 1. Mental note to self: keep this girl around.

I roll out of bed and take a sip of the orange juice, then walk over to the window looking out on the beach. I gaze out and see people playing on the beach and swimming in the ocean; this view is incredible. Then I look out further and see some surfers riding the wav--hold up! Is that...Tobin? I squint to gain a better perspective. It is! I'd recognize those calves anywhere...

I quickly eat the breakfast Tobin made me--which is delicious--and change into a blue bikini. I slide on a pair of flip flops and run down the stairs. The first floor is empty; I guess everyone's still asleep. I slip outside the front door and jog across the boardwalk to the beach. I gaze out onto the water and see Kelley doing some tricks on a small wave--she loves to show off. Just to the right of her Ash and Tobin are paddling to catch another wave. I sit down in the sand and watch them take turns on the swells for about twenty minutes, and then, as Tobin rides a wave close to the beach, I shout, "Hey Heath!" Tobin jerks her head in my direction, and when she sees me, her eyes widen and her mouth shapes into that adorable smile of hers. Unfortunately, multitasking isn't Tobin's strong-suit...splash! Tobin falls off her board and I immediately hear Kelley and Ash laughing hysterically a few yards out. I guess I probably should have waited to say anything till Tobin had finished the wave...

About five seconds later, Tobin comes out of the water coughing and dragging her board behind her. I run over to where she is.

"Tobs, are you okay?" I ask, slightly concerned.

"Perfect," Tobin says after a couple more seconds of coughing, "You just startled me."

"Yeah, sorry about that," I say sheepishly, "You looked great out there though."

"Oh, I don't know," she says with a blush, "I've had better days."

"Well you could've fooled me," I say, smiling at Tobin.

"Did you see my note?" asks Tobin, with a grin.

"Yes. I can't believe you did that for me, Tobs," I say, giving her a bear hug. "That was so sweet of you. And the pancakes were delicious!"

"I'm glad you liked it," says Tobin, "Because I woke up early to go buy ingredients."

"I was wondering where you got the food," I say. "But you totally didn't have to do all this for me."

"I know," Tobin says, looking down at her feet, "But I wanted to. And you deserve breakfast in bed every once in awhile."

A half hour later, it's almost 9:30 and Ash, Kelley, Tobin and I are showered, changed, and back at the house. Everyone else is still asleep in their rooms. I call everyone downstairs for a family meeting.

"Pinoe! Ali! Klingenmoe!" I say the last one with a bit of a laugh, "Meeting in the living room!"

A groggy Ali shuffles out of her and Ash's bedroom in pajama pants and a black TWLOHA tank top--probably Ash's--and walks over to the couch and plops down next to Kelley.

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