Part 1: Totally better story than twilight

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*he puts her into his trunk* she looks up at him with those baby blue eyes. She couldn't help but to be in love with this mystery man who swept her up. He closed the trunk. Stuck with her thoughts the whole ride. Who was this man? Why did he want her out if every other woman? Why did she find him so.... Mysterious... And somehow gentle and caring? The thoughts overwhelmed her and she couldn't help but attempt to smile, but the cloth over her mouth prevented it most of the way.

The cloth had a smell to it, had a feeling of... home. It reminded her of the smell of her old papa's shirt after a long day in the field. She felt as she did back then, on the bright summer days with the ice cold lemonade on the porch.

She thought back to when her papa was still around. He had left when she was about 10 years of age because he was cheating on her mama. He left with his mistress and never even wrote her a letter. But this smell... It was so familiar! She knew she'd smelled this scent. She thought, maybe this is finally papa coming back! Maybe he's finally come to get me! His little girl! A tear fell down her flawless cheeks and down onto her chest. Next thing she knew, her eyes were flooded with tears.

But then she thought back to the age of her old man, and compared it to this new human.. the human she only got a mere glimpse of before being stuffed into a car.. too young and full of life to be him. Perhaps she was mistaken. But yet, she still wonders at the sweet smell.

It was somewhat intoxicating. It smelled sweet like a rose, yet had much husk of a man at work. She was rocked forward when the car cane to an sudden stop. She heard someone get out if the car and close the door behind them. Her heart raced and was beating out if her chest. She heard them walking towards the trunk. Was this the end? What is he going to do?

The door opened and the wisk of the fresher air flew directly into her, breezing through her hair. It was nice, the light cold in comparison to a bit of a hotter climate she was just in.
She tried to force her eyes to adjust to look upon the man, but still, his face was dark from the night. But.. she could feel a smile slowly bleeding through his cheeks.

After they looked at each other he once again swept her up from the cramped trunk. He carried her over his shoulder and into what she believed to be a either a shed or a small house. He set her down on the floor in front of a fan. He left into the kitchen and came back with a sandwich and some tap water. She untied her mouth expecting her yo scream. But she didn't. She stayed silent and just looked at him. He fed her the sandwich and gave her some water but immediately put the cloth over her mouth again and left.

She sat there confused and astonished. Astonished that he appeared to be nice to her, somewhat nurtured her. He had such nice soft hands too. Hmm. Should I move? Should I explore. Probably not.
( brb food)

She thought it was safe to stay just because of the homey environment he has shown her thus far. Time seemed to pass and it felt like hours before he returned. But when he did, she was kind of relieved. He sat right by her and they just looked into each others eyes. He took off the cloth from her mouth (And okayyy)

And he stared at her for a while, watching her eyes. Staring into them, as if hoping for a flutter or a gleam. Then he smiled and got back on his feet. He then watched the lamp above, before returning his eyes to her. He looks as if he wanted to say something, but something was holding him back... she wondered what.
Then he outstretched his hand out for her.

She flinched and he stopped his movements for a moment. He looked back at her eyes. His eyes were calm and somehow trusting. She untensed her muscles and he continued his movement. He untied both of her hands and grabbed both of them. He started massaging where the ties were. She looked down at his thick and muscular hands. How could such big hands be so soft and comforting? She looked back at his face and observed his features

One thing she indefinitely noticed that he also has such nice, shaved legs. She wanted to touch them. They looked as smooth as a newborn baby's bum
(To be continued)

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