gimme dat

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"Gurl u gonna gimme dat azz or naw?"

Weeeelllll. Its gonna cooost you

Mmm how much brotha

A plate of waffles!
*in donkey's voice*

Oh mann..hmm I'mma gonna have to talk to ya head pimp

Well he's out talking to a man that got cinnamon prego

Oh duude. That's bad. Home boy gonna have ta pay a loot for her outta commissh.

U know wut mayn. I'mma gonna take it! I'll get u you waahhflez

Oh gooood! But keep it on the hush hush. And you better not put a ton of syrup on it!!

Lol home skillet I'll let you pour all the syrup you heart desires on it
You even get chocolate chips too.You're learning, experiencing. Goooodddd.. feeelll the power of the dark side of the force

... I've never been treated like this... I'm having... Feelings I've... Never felt before.Can I follow you... To the dark side? I want to escape all of this... I'm tired of the men not... Making me feel loved... Please say I can come... *lowers head into hands and weeps*

Of course you can, my child

*raises head, makeup running down face. A small smile creeps onto face*
*whisper* thank you... Papa

*wipes tears away from your face and takes you.* you're welcome bby

*takes the outstretched hand, and follows*

*picks you up bridal style*

*smiles like never smiled before*

*smiles back. Takes you inside the house, sets you down. Reaches towards you* *hands you a large stack of trig equations and smiles *

*looks at you with confusion*
My real papa told me I was too stupid for school... I only have a 4th grade education...
*looks at paper sadly*

now it's time to learn u some trig! :D  don matter who you are, you always need to be prepared for mental labor in prep for physical. Like the the __grade physical science class :3
*plays the accordion*

*smiles at the delightful sound of this contraption*
What is that, you're doing?

A song
The song of my people

It had a somewhat familiar sound. Like the song her mama used to hum before she passes away when she was younger... The sound of death metal always soothed her because of this

Her mother humed this the night of her death. The girl was there... when her mother was run over by a train and the sound if the horn and the slowing of the train matched perfectly to the song

I seemed to have zoned out. I came back to when my new papa was snapping in my face, trying to catch my attention. Had I missed something? I frequently find myself getting sidetracked thinking about mama

I pushed her face into the desk, not hard enough to hurt though. She needed to learn. To absorb the paper into her skin and forget her past life. This is the noe

I looked at him. He just pushed my face into the table! This startled me... I look at him. I felt my face turning red. He had a stern look on his face. I look down at this seemingly endless paper. He grabbed my ponytail and came close to my ear and whispered "You better focus... Because you're in MY swamp now.. " His glare cut me like a razor blade.

I licked her face while I still had her within my grasp. Her face had gone through a series of dark expressions within that short time. I let her go, and she dropped back into the chair and stared down at the table.

My cheek was damp with the rancid saliva that he left. Did I make the wrong decision of following my new papa? No... He's helping me... I grab my pencil and try to understand the math he placed in front of me

I watch her as she struggles. Then I jump on the table on my stomach and rest my head on my arm. And I watch her

What in the hell was going on? Why is he watching me without helping me?!? Doesn't he see in struggling. I look at him for a while. And then look down again

I watch the stern expressions being displayed with content. Then I grab her face between my hands like a sandwich, and look deep into her eyes. Hmmmm

I can't breathe. He has his gigantic hands on my face. He was squeezing my face so hard I thought I was going to die... Please... Is this finally the end?

I then release her. Told her to stand up and I gently ushered her with my hand to follow. I took her to her room. Now, she is standing in and I'm within the door. "Goodnight"
Then I close and lock her in with a bowl of soup.

I look around the room. There wasn't much there. A small bed with a few blankets. And.. A bowl if soup. I run over to the soup and get on my knees. I haven't eaten in days! It tasted strong of rosemary. It also had an intense taste of..  I couldn't put my tongue on it... It... It reminded me again of mama.  Onions! It was onions!! Very string with those veggies

A note slipped under the door in the middle of eating my soup. It said : onions. Onions have layers. And ogres are like onions.
I questioned this, and I too questioned if was papa who slipped it under... or if it were someone else.

I reread the note. What did it mean? And if it wasn't papa, then who left it? It had to be papa.  I had a very big amount if pillow lust. Just looking at the bed made me udder a noise I didn't even know existed

The noise of an accordion could be heard softly behind the door. The girl quickly climbed into her bed and tried to cover her ears. Somehow, She was afraid. And the noise continued a little louder. Then stopped.

I must have dozed off. I could see a faint bit of light coming from under the door. I heard the door finally unlock. Papa  looks at me. "Good morning baby girl," and he came and sat next to me. I didn't say anything. He just sat on the end if the bed holding something in his hands. He wouldn't look at me, but I couldn't look away

(Igtg for dinner) he wouldn't look at me or look away from what he was holding. But it was sure he was blushing. My curiosity took ahold of me and I climbed out of the covers closer to examine the object (u can continue if u want. I curious what it is)

(Lol okayyy,keep going when we get back cuz I gotta go for dinner too) I get closer. It seems to be a tiny box. He didn't hide it when I got closer, so it seemed he wanted me to know. He looked at me. We stared at each other for what felt like hours for some reason. He handed me the box. I sat back down and unwrapped the paper around it. I opened the box. It was a little necklace with a note next to it. I unfolded the note. It read, " dear baby girl, I know I haven't came off as the nicest guy. Maybe it is because I'm not used to someone as... Perfect... As you are. I thank you and I just want to love you. And... Be your papa. We'll be happy. I understand if you want to leave, but... I love you. You're the daughter I've always wanted...  Love, papa"

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