We hide

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We hide, so others don't see us hurt.
We hide, because if they knew us, everything would get worse.
We hide, because we hate the world, and all its shining colors.
We hide, so we're not yelled at for the things we fail at.
We hide, so they can't see us cry or scream o-or go crazy.
We hide, because we have no more sanity! It's all gone, there's nothing left...
We hide, because we are scared, scared we'll be regected by those we trust most.
We hide, so they can't see us slowly die inside.
We hide, so we can escape, escape reality, so no one gets hurt.....
We hide, because we know that all there is ahead is death, and pain, and suffering.
We hide, because we know that we've already been dead for a long time, just rotting away in this place we call "home".
We hide, because we don't feel anything but anger, and sorrow, there's nothing else to feel anymore
We hide, because we're nothing more than a monster, trying to prove we're a human.
We hide, because we can't control our anger, causing those dearest to us to be hurt by our hands.
We hide, because we've tried to call for help, to get out of this darkness that holds us so tight, but no one ever comes to save us, our voice, our tears, our screams never reach them.

We hide, because we're scared
we'll dissappear

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29, 2016 ⏰

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