Introduction/Tiny Oneshot :3

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Well, hello, Reader-chan! I'm Author-chan, also known as Wolf. This will be my first ever series on Wattpad, so positive feedback is very much appreciated. Any hater comments will be deleted and forgotten. So, enjoy this mini oneshot inspired by the video above! (Kawaii!)

Nom Nom Nom


"R-Ryuzaki, don't you think that's a bit much?" you ask as Lawliet orders yet another cheesecake from the local bakery. The cashier looked dumbfounded by the amount of sweets L had asked for.

"So! Must be some party you're having, eh?" The young woman asked with a nervous laugh. L tilted his head slightly, which was absolutely adorable. He looked like a little puppy!

"No, this is all for me," he replied nonchalantly. You sighed and told the cashier he was joking while playfully laughing and pushing his arm. L seemed to get the message and smiled shyly. 

You and L finished placing the order, paying for it, and sat down at a vacant table in the back corner of the bakery. You always loved accompanying him on his trips to this bakery in particular. Behind the counter was a large oval window, allowing visitors of the bakery a view of the kitchen in which the sweets and treats were made. You found it relaxing to watch the slow, almost mesmerizing rise of the dough in the oven, and you often marveled at the skill of the cake decorators. Upbeat guitar music drifted softly from the bakery's slightly outdated speakers as light poured in from the massive display window at the front of the room.But the most soothing aspect of the bakery was its staff. Never once did you see an unhappy face within that building. It was as if the bakery radiated pure soothing energy.

"(Y/N)?" L said, waving a hand in front of your eyes. You blinked, snapping yourself out of your blissful trance.

"Hmm? What did you say, Ryuzaki?" you asked, still slightly dazed.

"I asked you what you were staring at," he replied.

"Oh, nothing," you sighed happily. L smiled.

"Alright, then."

Soon after, the order was finished, and you, L, and Watari drove back to Task Force Headquarters.


"WHOA, RYUZAKI! THAT'S A LOT OF CAKE!" Matsuda chirped as L and Watari finished unloading their massive shipment of sweets.

"Yes, I suppose it is... I've been rather hungry lately..." L trailed off. You laughed.

"Well then, if you've ordered so much, you can at least share," you teased, grabbing a slice of Oreo Cheesecake (YES THAT'S A THING AND IT'S AMAZING) and taking a bite. L pouted a bit, but in the end he let you have the slice.

A few chuckles were heard throughout the room before everyone resumed work. Matsuda worked on searching local news archives along with Aizwa, Ukita and Mogi while Chief Yagami, Light, L, and you worked on piecing together evidence against Yotsuba. L had been munching on his strawberry cake the entire time, and honestly? It was pretty freaking adorable. However, L stopped when a crumb of his cake flew out of his mouth and landed in Light's hair. You snickered under your breath, wondering what he would do. You figured L would just pick the crumb up awkwardly and move along.

That was not the case.

L, to your great surprise, leaned on the back of his chair for support, craned his neck forward, and licked the crumb of of Light! You burst out laughing like crazy as did Chief Yagami. Light sat there rubbing the back of his neck and laughing with you all as L gave a dorky little smile.

Once the seemingly endless laughter finally stopped, the day went on as normal.

~~~~~Le End~~~~~

Hope you enjoyed!

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