Because You Never Stopped Believing

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Mama told me I was like any other Pokemon.

That even I, a small little Magikarp, had a big purpose in this world.

I never really knew then. I had no clue what my purpose was.

But I was happy, and Mama said that that was what mattered.

I had her, a great home, plenty of food, and a best friend who I admired very much.

She was a Feebas, a very kind one at that. We were very close ever since we hatched from eggs.

Although, we were both teased in our ocean blue. They said I was weak, when they said she was ugly.

I didn't mind it, since my mama was always there to make me smile again, but my friend wasn't so fond of it.

Once, she even came crying to me, asking:
"Am I ugly? Tell me truthfully, am I disgusting like they say?"

Never have I thought she was ugly. Never a single time in my life.

I thought she was the prettiest, most beautiful and pure-hearted Pokemon in the whole world. So that's what I told her.

And she seemed happy, which was all that mattered.

She told me that she believed I would get even stronger and one day evolve into the beast they call Gyarados.

So I believed too. And I kept going, no matter what they said.

Because she never stopped believing.

But one day, I was foolish.

Oh so foolish and naive.

I spotted a piece of my favorite sea berry floating in the murky waters.

But I was wrong.

Oh so greedy and wrong.

I took a bite and a sharp pierce-like pain filled my lip.

I was then dragged, dragged to the above. Slowly pulled out of my deep ocean home, the air getting lighter and lighter.

Oh how I struggled to free myself from being torn away from everything I once knew and loved,

But he was stronger.

I was flicked into the air, water droplets scattering all around me.

Then I slammed onto the warm wooden deck on the shore.

Us Magikarp are able to breath on above, but I, being only a youngling then, never did before.

My gills refused to accept the oxygen and my unused lungs were burning.

That was when a giant creature took the line and hoisted me up into the air.

Mama had warned me that those were humans, and to be alert:

She told me some were nice and kind while others were evil and harsh.

Because You Never Stopped Believing {2nd Place in Oneshot (PWA 2016)}Where stories live. Discover now