Chapter Two

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The ride home was silent except for Jim's questions, Tucker had stayed awake to my surprise as he was usually fast asleep on the ride home. Perhaps, I thought, he wanted to make sure I was safe, he was always cautious around new people.

"So," Jim asked. "Where is that you live?" 

"In the sticks." I laughed before adding, "Just down this dirt road, we'll turn onto the driveway soon and from there it's only a three minute drive. About."

Jim looks surprised. "How long is your driveway?" He asked in shock.

"Well, our farm used to be a plantation back when and there's a lot of land so," I trail off. "Yeah." I finish. I realize that I'm talking like a child and add, "The driveways about two and a half miles."

"Our farm?" Jim repeats.

"I live on the farm with some of my best friends. There's six of us total. The barn has been in my friend Rhett's family for generations. He's lived there his whole life and when he inherited the barn three years ago his grandparents moved to Florida so now it's just us kids." Jim doesn't ask about Rhett's parents and for that I'm grateful, its not really my story to tell.

"What animals do y'all have?" Jim asks, "If any." He quickly adds. I wonder whether Jim is actually interested or if he's still trying to decide whether agreeing to stay the night was a good idea. In my defense, I didn't really want them to stay, I was just trying to be nice.

"Well, there's eighteen horses. Fifty cows and two bulls. Six goats. Three dogs, including Tucker, back here." I think some more. "Seventeen sheep, including three lambs. Twelve pigs, sixteen chickens and a rooster, and four cats." I finish, waiting for Jim's response.

He nods, "And there's six of you?" He sounds shocked. I resist the urge to snort, if anything our barn is tiny.

"Yes, however any of the townsfolk are always willing to help, a perk of living in a small town I guess." I say.

I turn onto my driveway and watch as Jim glances out the windows at the miles of field and pasture. It's past ten so the others have taken the animals in and are in bed by now. Ace, Levi and I all work at All Purpose Flour, the local cafe and are usually gone from the farm. Tonight, for probably the first time ever I worked until closing, instead of my usual noon to five schedule. I had switched with Levi so he could get some sleep. Hopefully though, he took care of all the goats.

While we didn't really split our chores up, we just did whatever needed to be done first, it was unspoken that always got to take care of the goats. Levi filled in for me, though when I wasn't able to do it.

It is silent as I pull the truck beneath the car shelter. The bus parks on the side of the driveway, out of the way. After everyone hops out and gets their stuff, I clasp my hands together.

"Listen up y'all." I say. "We can fit maybe three in the guest house but the other two will have to sleep on the couch in the main house."

Immediately Jim and Kyle step up to sleep on the couch but Finn and Bailey protest.

"Can we please take the couch?" Finn pleads Kyle as Bailey persuades Jim.

"Y'all." I say. "It doesn't matter who sleeps where." Their squabbling stops and from the looks of it, Finn and Bailey won. I'm thankful that they're staying in the main house, Rhett would have a cow if he found two middle aged men on our couch.

"The key to the guest house is beneath the welcome mat, feel free to sleep in until whenever."

"We'll leave at noon boys." Jim says to Finn and Bailey. Both of them nod as everyone parts ways.

"I'll warn you now, we have three dogs and a goat wandering the house." I say with a grin to the boys as Tucker barks, as if to announce his presence. "Oh- and my five roommates."

"A goat?" Bailey asks, bewildered. I nod.

"Yup, Soda Pop stays in the house because the other goats bully him." They nod in understanding as we step onto the front porch.

While I'm unlocking the door Finn says asks me what it's like living on a farm.

"Well, depending on how things go, you'll see for yourself tomorrow."

I show the boys to the pull out couch and hand them a set of blankets.

"I'd suggest showering in the morning but if you want to shower now I can set out some towels and whatnot." I say. "Bathroom is over there." I added pointing to the hallway where the bathroom entrance was visible.

Yawning, they both agree to wait until morning. "Alright, then I'll leave both of you. The others should be up pretty early but their pretty quiet so you shouldn't have to worry."

I worried only briefly as to what might happen if the others saw Finn and Bailey sleeping on the couch. I scribbled a quick note explaining the scenario and left it on the kitchen table. The kitchen was the first room to enter when you walked down the steps so hopefully they would see the note before calling the cops for a break in.

I walked into the room that I shared with Levi. Although he was fast asleep, I took extreme caution to be silent. Levi was not a heavy sleeper. I avoided his bed and went straight to my dresser. I pulled out a loose white tank and I pair of red pajama shorts. I made my way to the restroom and quickly changed. After brushing my teeth and using mouthwash, I combed through my hair and went back to my room. Yawning I slid into my sheets and fell asleep almost immediately.

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