Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

3 Days Later

Standing in a forest, waiting for the right moment, the perfect kill. The deer he needed so that he could provide for his family once again, so that they could have food to last for another two weeks. Nehemiah Rapar, better known as Nem, was there thinking about the past and trying to put the pieces in place as to why the country was falling in a downward spiral. The country looked great from the outside, but in all actuality, it was in complete chaos. There was economic trouble, fights in the markets, wars over territories, mysterious disappearances and deaths, and to add on all that some strange new people arrived and settled in. He just couldn't understand it, but he just barely had enough time to feed his family let alone save the country. At that very moment a deer rushed by 60 yards away, he took aim, then released. The tension on his mind vanished as he relished in the fact that he had made a perfect kill. Now he would have to skin it, keep the parts he needed, and everything else he would sell to the townspeople. One more day of surviving, how long will this last?

He started to head back when he felt a strange presence close by, close enough to be watching him. He was headed to leave but felt another presence come up to the first. They started to spread out after a few minutes one toward his front, one to behind him. At this point worried, he grabbed his short sword hidden in father's jacket that he got when his father passed away. As soon as he almost had it out, the first one had come in sight and had started to charge. The attacker was wearing a black cloak with a hood outlined in midnight blue, he had a long sword with a green hilt with a blue diamond in the center and a dragon surrounding it. Nehemiah drew the sword out and dashed toward the attacker, welcoming him like warmth on a cold winter's night. As soon as he reached the attacker, he swung at his neck, aiming to kill, but the attacker it seemed was expecting it. He blocked it with one arm holding the sword while he used the other to punch Nehemiah in the stomach knocking the breath out of him. It seemed immediately after, the attacker kicked him in the face with a roundhouse kick, taking Nem to the ground. He hit the ground with a thud, and right as was coming to, he had to rollover, for the attacker was swinging his sword straight to where he just was. Nehemiah took advantage of this and kicked him with both legs simultaneously right in the chest, the force taking the attacker off his feet into a nearby tree, where he collapsed.

Nehemiah got up and walked over to where the attacker was and aimed his sword at his throat. He was about to finish it, when he felt a blade against his throat, and heard a voice behind him say, "I wouldn't do that if i were you."

That's when he realized who the presences that he felt and the attackers were, they were his friends, the twins razzil and masir. They were about six foot tall and blonde, with Razzil being lean with sturdy arms, and Masir being more stocky and muscular. Razzil was the free-going one of the two, while Masir appeared more serious, but the thing that was constant in both of them, they loved jokes and pranks. Now he realized what was going on, every week they would surprise him and try to best him in combat. Normally he would win but this time was different, there was a change in their presences, as well as their skill.

"Nice tactic, letting me forget about one, while I get tired from fighting the first, and then coming out while I was distracted."

Razzil who was on the ground at the moment still with the sword at his throat said, "Yeah, I guess I did a good job of distracting, eh?"

"Yeah, and almost dying as well, not to mention getting kicked against a tree," commented Masir.

"True, but I didn't do my best, I could've taken him, by the way, could you remove your sword from my throat?"

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