Chapter 7

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Hey guys, I know it's been a while, but I've been busy with things. I am glad to say I do have a few more chapters I'll be releasing in the next few days. So please enjoy and comment.

Harin fell back in line and the army has kept marching, now appearing at the outskirts of the village. Sir Nexus calls for a full halt of his army, and they snap themselves in a swift stop. Their uniformity astounding, comparable to the armies of the greatest countries.

"Harin, Demetri, and Silas" Nexus calls out. "You three come forward."

Harin quickly steps up to the General's side followed by a soldier a few battalions to his right and a darker looking soldier to left. The three stood at attention, patiently awaiting orders from the General.

Harin glances over at the soldiers next to him. The one to his immediate right was a pale young man with blonde hair. He had a stern look on his face, and Harin could tell by his stance this wasn't his first war. The other one seemed more relaxed, a gentle yet fierce expression on his face. He was dark-skinned and very fit. He seems like he would make for a good leader Harin thought to himself.

"You three and myself are going to check the village out first, we're going to scout out all the areas that could potentially cause problems, and we WILL NOT be seen. Is that understood men?"

Harin spoke up, "Well, yes sir, but I don't think you need to risk your safety for something as trivial as this. I, myself, will be more than enough to handle this, not to mention these two beside me."

"Che," The pale young man snorts. "So you think you're good enough to do this alone, and disrespect the General's wishes on top of that? You got some nerve kid?"

"Kid? Some nerve? You're the same age as me," Harin spat, a little peeved by this soldiers attitude. "I am a very capable warrior, I'm sure you wouldn't even last two minutes against me." Harin eyes him, waiting for him to move.

The dark-skinned soldier quickly spoke up, "Guys, let's not let this get out of hand. We are in a bad place for a children's squabble, think about your places."

At that point, both the pale young man and Harin turned to him, venom in their eyes. The dark-skinned man put his hand on his blade, at the ready.

"That's enough," Nexus roars. "You three are pissing me off, behaving like children in front of my army. Do you realize how much of a fool you're making me look like. On your knees, all of you."

Harin immediately obeys, and got on his knees, head down. As did the dark-skinned young man.

The pale young man, however, decides to try to speak up. "I was just saying wha-"

Nexus glares at him with a look that could make clouds evaporate, "Silas, I won't repeat myself a second time."

So his name is Silas, Harin thought, that must mean the one next to me is Demetri. Silas has a bad attitude; I'm going to have to do something about that sooner or later.

"Markos, come forward and give these three two lashings each." Nexus looks down at the three soldiers on their knees, and shakes his head. "You three are lucky you're not receiving a worse punishment, most other generals would have killed you on the spot."

A thin young man comes forward, and stands behind the three waiting for instructions. He looks frail and weak, and doesn't have any armor on at all. He carries a whip by his side, with vines wrapped around it. It looked to be a family heirloom of some sort, given the intricacy of design on the handle. There were two swordfish with noses crossed, like a declaration of war.

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