Maybe It's All I've Known

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Not me original work, but you know, writer's block and all that jazz. Decided it's been a while since a proper update, so here it is. Written by: awesome_goddess_of_mischief on Ao3. Go check her out for some more awesome works.

Steve's kind've an unintentional ass is the beginning. You have been warned!
It was their one year anniversary.

And at the moment Tony Stark and Steve Rogers were driving to the gift Tony had gotten Steve. Steve had given Tony a painting of the iron man armour. It was beautiful and awesome and Tony hung it above his fireplace the second he opened it.

Tony loved Steve very very much. As in the sickingly cute way, but he had absolutely no idea what to give him. Or well, he did have a few ideas, but none of them were enough. He loved Steve so much, there was no number to express it.

Tony liked numbers. And he liked knowing what someone was worth. He knew what he himself was worth. Every idiot with google did. But he just knew Steve was worth more than he could ever afford. So he... bought Steve an island for their anniversary.

The inventor had been bouncing excitedly as Steve opened the envolope with the paperwork. He only had to sign and he would own an island with an awesome villa on it near Greece. Steve huffed and had put the paper aside before giving him a long rant about waisting money on useless matters.

Tony felt stupid. Of course Steve would never want an island. Sadly it only got worse from there on...


He bough a yacht. "We live in New York!" A house. "We live in New York." A collection of expensive suits, watches, cufflinks, ties... "I have clothes, Tony." Another island. "We have been over this..." A museum. "Tony..." Steve made him return all the presents, saying he didn't need it. He always said "I appreciate the gesture Tony, but please return it and use the money for something useful." And so Tony slowly got lost. Because Steve was getting more annoyed with each passing gift, and Tony was running out of ideas.

So when Steve eventually snapped, he locked himself away in his lab. He had tried to give Steve a valentine's day gift. He had imported the best chocolate and champagne and flowers. He had let a decorator fly in and decorate the living room. He had a chef cook a seven course dinner. And Steve had just frowned slightly. And when Tony gave him the keys to a brand new Porsche? Steve got angry.

"That's it. Tony, we've talked about this. I don't want expensive gifts. When would I need a car? I have a bike. Or else I would just borrow one of your dozens of cars. Tony, I don't want you spending that much useless money!" He snapped.

Tony had calmly walked away. He didn't run. He walked. Fast. A small part of his brain new what Steve had meant, he grew up in the depression and thought there were more important matters to spend the money on. But all he had heard was "useless money". Tony looked at his hands.

Billionaire, genius, playboy, philanthropist. A philanthropist wasn't really a big deal these days. Every famous person called himself that. Playboy, he had left those days behind when he started dating Steve. Genius, Steve could barely understand ten percent of what he did. It left billionaire. The only thing he had to offer to Steve had been his money. He thought that if he could give him all he wanted, he might stay.

But Steve didn't want his money. Which left the question, what did he want? Tony didn't know. He went over the titles again... But no matter how he twisted and turned, he couldn't figure it out.

Iron man? Maybe Steve dated him because he was Iron Man? Iron Man was a hero... Maybe Steve liked dating a hero? That had to be it. So he took a deep breath and walked back to the living room to apologise like a big boy. And he promised Steve he would return the car and get him something more appropriate. Steve seemed happy with that. So he was on the right track.

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